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“You should be scared of him. He can be a real asshole unless he likes you. He doesn’t like many people. And I can tell he really doesn’t like you.”

Just awesome.

“And here I thought we were gonna get bestie necklaces and hold hands,” she said sarcastically.

The woman grinned. “You know, I might have liked you. Under different circumstances, of course.” She peered out the window with a small frown. “The boss man is pacing. That’s not a good sign.”

“You work for him?” Keira asked. It always paid to know as much as possible about the enemy.

“You really think I’m going to tell you anything?” She blew another bubble. “Sorry, girl. You’re getting nothing from me. My loyalty is to Zander and always will be.”

Keira wondered what that would be like. To have someone completely loyal to you. She had her sister, but sometimes she wondered if push came to shove, what would happen? Would her sister stick by her or run the other way?

“So the two of you are together?”

“Me and Zander?” The other woman raised her eyebrows, but didn’t say either way. Right, because she wasn’t going to tell Keira anything.

She sat on the bed. “Ooh, this thing is hard, isn’t it? How the hell did you sleep on it? And what is that smell? It smells crusty and old, but also like garlic. That’s really not pleasant. That’s not you that smells, is it? Because if so, you’re gonna have to shower or something before we get in the van together. I don’t do well with strange smells.”

She jostled Keira as she sat and Keira sucked in a breath, regretting that as her ribs protested.

“Honey, be careful,” Zander scolded, walking back into the room. “You’ll hurt her.”

Honey’s eyebrows rose, and she looked surprised for a few short seconds. “Sorry, boss. I’ll be more careful with the thief.”

“And what are you? Some sort of GI Joe Barbie wannabe?” she snapped.

“Nah, I like to think of myself as more of a Harley Quinn.”

Holy hell.

Keira didn’t know whether to take her seriously or not.

“Did you call him?” Honey asked Zander.

Honey. That name really didn’t seem to suit her.


“He happy?” Honey asked.

“Not exactly. He wants her as well as the money and images.”

“What’d you say?”

“I told him that Ammo is bringing the money and images, but not the girl.”

She frowned. It can’t have been Bartolli who hired them. Nobody said no to Bartolli. Which meant it had to be Reyes. But why would he want her back?

To punish you.

“You need to take me to Bartolli,” she insisted.

“I don’t have to do anything,” Zander replied.

“But Eden—”

“Will be safe.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic