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“Wait. What? You don’t need to punish me!”

“You just broke one of your rules.”

“But I won’t do it again!”

“Hopefully not. But to reinforce that it isn’t proper behavior, you’re also getting spanked. Now, you need to stand up and remove your panties. You won’t want them on afterward anyway.”

“No, Daddy! I don’t need a spanking.” She’d been waiting for this moment, and she thought it would be best to get it over and done with. But now that it was here . . . yeah, she wasn’t so sure.

“You do need a spanking. Because I want you to be very aware that Daddy doesn’t like when you put his precious girl down.” He sat there and watched her.

She was wearing another short dress. Zander had chosen it and dressed her this morning. She’d blushed the entire time, but he hadn’t lingered and stared at her when she’d stood there, naked.

She kind of wished he had.

“Panties off,” he said firmly, holding out his hand. She reached under her skirt and drew them down over her striped socks and handed them to him.

“Good girl.” He placed them on the table, then patted his lap. “Over you go.”

“Daddy, I think we should talk about this.”


“No?” She gaped up at him. “Aren’t we supposed to talk lots in this sort of relationship?”

“Yes, but in this case, all you’re going to do is delay the inevitable. Then you’ll have more time to worry about your punishment. It’s best just to get it over and done with so I can then cuddle you.”

“After you punish me, then you won’t be angry at me anymore?”

“I was never angry at you in the first place,” he told her. “After a punishment, everything is forgiven, slate wiped clean, understand?”

Not really. Her father would always bring up every little thing she’d ever done, over and over again.

“Yes, Daddy Z.”

“Then come here.” He held out his hand and helped her climb over his lap. When he had her situated, he raised the skirt above her bottom. She froze for a moment, worried about what he’d think of her bare ass.

Did he think it was too big? Was it jiggly?

Oh Lord, please don’t let her have a pimple on it.

That’s all she needed. He ran his hand slowly down over her bottom.

“Is there a pimple on there? There’s a pimple on my butt, isn’t there? This is so embarrassing.” She attempted to wiggle off his lap, but he held her there, not letting her leave.

“There’s no pimple on your bottom,” he reassured her. “Why would you think there was?”

“I dunno, I just thought of the worst-case scenario and that’s what I imagined.”

“Having a pimple on your bottom is the worst-case scenario?” he asked.

“Oh jeez, is there something worse on my butt?” she wailed.

“Little Thief, calm down. There’s nothing on your bottom.”

“Really?” She sniffled.

“Really. I was just taking a moment to admire how gorgeous your ass is.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic