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There was something wrong with her.

Zander grabbed her eReader, then walked around the bed and climbed in the other side.

She settled in as he started reading one of her favorite stories. She’d chosen it because the Daddy in the book was one of the least strict. He rarely spanked his Little.

Because she really, really didn’t want to give Zander any more ideas than he already had.


“Damn it, I’m so dumb!” She threw the phone down on the couch. She’d been attempting one of those online quizzes to help test your driving knowledge. While Zander insisted that she didn’t need to know how to drive, she’d decided that she was tired of not knowing how to do things.

And to be honest, she needed the distraction. Zander had gotten Miles to change her phone so she could get on the internet and, as soon as he had, she’d gone searching for anything she could find about Angie.

But there was nothing.

There wasn’t that much about Bartolli’s death on there either.

Keira was so frustrated by the fact that she couldn’t do anything to find her. All she was doing was sitting here, twiddling her thumbs. Three days had passed since Zander told her about Bartolli and she was still obsessed with searching every day.

So in an effort to give herself something else to think about, she’d decided it was time to learn to drive. Unfortunately, Zander refused to just let her get in a car and drive. He wanted her to study first.


Studying wasn’t her strong suit. Unless it had to do with numbers. Math had always come easily. And she’d loved when they got to read in English class. But everything else sucked.

“What did you just say?” he asked in a low rumble that sent goosebumps along her skin.


“Repeat what you just said,” Zander commanded from where he was working on his laptop at the table. He’d tried several times to get her to leave this room, but she just wasn’t ready to interact with the rest of his team.

In here, she felt like she was in a safe bubble.

Even with her growing frustration at her inability to do anything meaningful to help find her sister.

“Yeah, I’m going to have to go with no, Daddy,” she said, sliding along to the other edge of the couch. As if that was going to keep her safe.

So far, he’d only given her a few taps on the ass when she’d done something minor. For the most part, she’d been really good these past few days. It had kind of shocked her. But she’d been trying to be on her best behavior.

Because she really wanted a good girl reward.

For someone who’d never found sex overly enjoyable, the feelings racing through her were kind of overwhelming. Every night that he climbed into bed with her, she became more and more hungry for his touch.


Such torture.

He stood, and she braced herself for him to storm over to her. But all he did was turn his chair, so he was facing her.

“Come here, baby girl.”

Yeah, she got the feeling that would be a bad idea.

Zander raised one blond eyebrow.


She hated when he counted. It wasn’t fair. It was like he put some spell over her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic