Page 82 of After Hours

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My friend hooks her arm with mine and gives me a sympathetic smile. “It’s all a bit shit, isn’t it?” We cross out into the cool evening air.

“Everyone has an opinion, but I doubt they know the half of it.”

“How is he?”

Shrugging, I hold my hand out, seeing a taxi heading our way. “I’ve not seen him since it happened. It’s not any of my business. He’ll talk to me if he wants.”

“You can talk to me, Lauren. I won’t abuse your trust.”

I falter, shocked at her soft admission. Of course, I trust her. “I know. I’m just a bit wary of what I say when he and I shouldn’t even be dating. His life is a crazy mess at the moment, and I don’t want to add to it.” We share a tense but short silence before she holds her own hand out to make sure the taxi sees us.

“Did you get your envelope?” Amberley’s animated smile drives any tension away.

“How do you know about that?” I step back to face her as the vehicle pulls up.

“Who do you think put it in your locker?”

“I did. Thank you. I’ll open it when I get home.” I give her a quick squeeze.

“Text me!” she demands.

“I will.”

* * *

My apartment is a sanctuary I can’t offer to Cain. Sitting here in the peace and quiet leaves a lingering sense of hopelessness. Waiting on the sidelines as this unravels around us feels close to emotional torture. I’m yet to hear from him, but I figure that's because he is waiting for me to open the envelope and call him. I wanted to rip it open when I walked through the door, but instead, I forced myself to have a shower and get something to eat. Now I’m sitting cross-legged on my bed, the weighted item in between my fingers as I wonder what’s inside. The thick paper tears loudly, and inside is a brightly coloured package. I slip it free and turn it over, looking at the image of crystal waters, palm trees, and idyllic beach huts. I flip the card, and my eyes fill with unshed tears. It’s for a luxury stay at the award-winning private villa and pool resort on Koh Samui. My stomach swoops, butterflies rupture in my chest, and I blink furiously to stop myself from crying.

I trace a thumb over the pretty lettering of Cain’s surname. It’s his resort.

I can’t believe he has done this. I’m not sure what to say or how to thank him. I dial his number, and it connects instantly. “Number one prick,” he murmurs, amused.

I can’t accept this. “Cain,” I groan out his name, flummoxed by his generosity.

“Don’tCainme. We’re going.” Direct, unmoving, and full of confidence. I find myself smiling, despite most of me repelling the kindness of this gift.

I make a noise of protest. “It’s too much. You didn’t need to do this.” My eyes are glued to the picturesque tropical escape.

“You wouldn’t come swimming with me. It’s not too cold in Thailand.” My shocked laugh huffs out of me.

“Cain, you can’t book a holiday because I said I was cold!”

“I can.” I hear him clattering about at the other end, then the whoosh of wind down the line as he walks to wherever it is he is going. “The hotel will manage.”

“I’ve not been at the hotel long enough to accrue holiday for a week,” I tell him. “Plus, I was off with a concussion. I probably owe hours,” I grumble awkwardly.

“I’m not taking no as an answer. Pack a bag. Get your passport and come and hide across the ocean with me.”

“I don’t know.” I’m anxious, terrified to get caught, scared to let myself be dragged away on this crazy, beautiful ride with him. It’s not for another three weeks, but nothing is easy about any of this.

“You do have a passport, don’t you?”

Laughing, I drop the card. “Yes.”

“Then it’s sorted.” I can hear the smile in his voice and match it with my own. “I can’t wait to get you to myself, pretty girl. I’ve missed you.”

“We see each other every day,” I muse.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic