Page 81 of After Hours

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Yes, in fact, I could do with some paperwork. Be a good girl and bring it up to me.

I scan the reception to ensure no one is watching and send a quick reply.

We agreed to be careful.

After being caught by his PA, there is no way I am going back upstairs. Felicity has already tried to grill me about this supposed complaint. I fobbed her off with a lie about not checking someone in quick enough. I’m placing my phone away when another text comes through.

I’m not in the mood for careful. I want to bury myself so deep you ache for days. Knickers off. Paperwork. Now!

“Lauren, phone away, please, unless you wish to obtain another complaint,” Felicity says from behind me. Jumping, I stash my phone away and apologise. I side-step around her, but her hand reaches out to stop me, and my brows shoot up. “Just because the boss played nice when you had your accident doesn’t give you the right to take advantage of his goodwill. Return your mobile to your locker, and do what you're paid to do,” she snaps icily.

I crook my neck, staring at her head-on. “Thank you, Felicity. Having met Mr Carson-Ivory on several occasions, I can assure you I’m not that stupid. Excuse me.” I expect her to call me back, to put me in my place, but she lets me walk away. My phone rings, and I slip it free to find Cain calling me.

“What the fuck was that about?”

“What do you mean?” I give a half-shrug, knowing he can see me.

“Does she always treat you like that?” Cain growls down the phone.

“You’re in a bad mood.” I pout.

“I wonder why,” he huffs. “I want to see you.”

I keep my voice low and walk down the hall towards the staff room. It's quiet there, and I can talk to Cain without fear of being overheard. “Give me a second.” I pop my head around the door. It’s empty, so I perch on one of the comfy chairs. “Hopefully, by the weekend, things will have died down a bit.”

“Is Felicity always like that?” Cain reiterates, expecting an answer.

“She’s harmless.”

“That's not what I asked.”

“I can handle a woman on a power trip,” I mutter. “I need to get back. We’ll arrange to see each other this weekend.”

“You look really fucking pretty in those heels.”

“Does security know you have a new obsession with the cameras?” Laughing, I ring off and pocket my phone, returning to the front desk. I don’t hear from Cain for the rest of the day, and Felicity gives me a wide berth, too. With it being busy, I don’t check my phone, but I’m glad that I returned to my locker because there is an envelope waiting for me—the thick black scrawl and tiny cactus tells me it’s from Cain. I’m tempted to open it, but several employees enter the staff room, so I collect up my things and meet Oliver and Amberley out the back.

“You’re joining us then. We thought you’d already gone?” Amberley smirks. They managed to coax me to join them for a drink. She’s asked me daily about what's been going on with Cain, but until he releases a statement, I’ve kept quiet. I only know the little he has told me, but it’s nothing like what the papers are detailing. I wonder if it was as fabricated when his father committed suicide. It’s not something I want to remind him of, so I haven’t pushed the issue.

“No chance. I need it after today,” I tell them about Felicity, and Oliver grumbles about how much of a bitch she is.

“We’re going to have to double security if we get many more guests,” he continues, moaning as we enter the bar. It’s a small place with ample lighting and dark wood, giving it a moody atmosphere. It’s perfect for Oliver and his grim disposition.

“I know. God, my feet are killing me.” We get seated at the bar and order a round.

“Have you thought about complaining?” he asks, checking his phone.

“No, she is more annoying than anything.” I sip my wine and sigh. “I’ve never known the hotel so packed.”

“Business is booming for our boss. I bet he is raking it in. Did you read the papers? That bloke stole all that money and his father’s company. No wonder his dad killed himself.” Amberley’s head snaps to mine, and I give my head a little shake. I’m not discussing it now. I’m surprised she isn’t up to date on the information the press is releasing.

“I don’t want to speculate. If it’s true, this will only dredge up the past, and I can’t imagine that’s nice.” I clear my throat and avoid her gaze.

“If he accumulates Ivory Corp, he is going to be one rich bastard. It’s not like he needs it. He’s already loaded. It’s a bit greedy, isn’t it?” Oliver harrumphs, cracking pistachio nuts and nibbling them as he contemplates Cain’s motives.

I want to come to Cain’s defence and demand he apologise, but instead, I frown into my own glass, feeling out of sorts and missing my man. Uncomfortable around Oliver, I decide to leave. Jumping down from my seat, I flick my fringe out of the way, saying, “I’ve got a bit of a headache. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

“I’ll come with you.” Amberley hops off her stool and gives Oliver a quick hug. “See you tomorrow,”

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic