Page 76 of After Hours

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“It’s Lauren. You were hav—”

“Fuck.” He drags his hand down his face and sucks in lungfuls of air. Sadly, I watch as he grapples with his mind. I’m no therapist, but I can only assume seeing his mother has pulled some nasty memories to the surface. He turns into me, pushing me into the mattress and angling his mouth over mine in a hot and aggressive kiss. He doesn’t want to talk—he doesn’t need to relive it another time. He wants to forget, and I let him. I coax his sweat-slick body between my legs, and he curses with relief as he replaces those memories with a new one.

* * *

I’m cleaning the dining room when Kat appears the following morning. Her cheek is still smarting, but I don’t let her see how much her mother’s actions have perturbed me. “Hey, do you want a coffee? I’m nearly done.”

“I can do it.” She wrings her hands, seemingly embarrassed.

“Okay, give me a sec, and I’ll join you.”

“You don’t need to do that, you know. Cain will moan that you’re cleaning up.” Her eyes widen at the mess.

“He’d better thank me,” I scoff, carrying the last of the plates through to the kitchen to load the dishwasher. “Anyway, I made the mess.” I smile. The aftermath of Cain’s nightmare is still hanging heavily around my heart, and I have a new sense of protectiveness for him. He's been fighting his battles for as long as I've been breathing, but I want to be the one he seeks solace in—with his words and body.

“Sorry we ruined your dinner,” Kat’s voice tapers off, and she stares down into her empty cup.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I know yesterday was a bad day, but let's do something nice today.” I keep my tone light and click the machine on. “I mean, if you want to?”

“I don’t know. I'm still processing,” she murmurs, the coffee machine drowning her out.

I round the counter and push my cup towards her. “When I say nice, I mean copious amounts of ice cream, trash TV, and cheap wine.” She smiles, but it slips at the mention of wine. “Or really good wine. I'm not too picky,” I confess.

I manage to pull a small laugh out of her. “Okay.” She flicks a sad look my way. “Thanks, Lauren.”

I give her a quick squeeze and leave my cup with her as I find some things for breakfast. Hardly anyone ate last night because the meal had gone cold by the time we returned to the table. “Does Cain like pancakes?” I wonder aloud, pulling some things out of the fridge. “I feel cheeky rummaging through his fridge.” I blush, putting it all on the side.

“I’m sure he does. He won’t mind. It’s you.” She shrugs as though that fact should be obvious.

“I don’t want it to seem like I'm taking over—things are still very new.” I shouldn’t be talking about this with her, mainly because she isn’t in a good place, and she has far more serious things to concern herself with than my new relationship.

“Cain doesn’t date, and not because he is a commitment-phobe. He loves hard, without reserve, and he will pour everything he has into you. He gives his all and then some. He’s just so used to having it all taken from him.” Her voice catches, but she stumbles on. “I’m learning that now—things about him I didn’t understand now make sense. Did you see how my mother looked at him?” She shakes her head, clearly distraught. “But you, you’re different. Sure, he’s had a few flings, but my brother doesn’t make decisions lightly, and if I know him as well as I think I do, you are the best thing to happen to him. I like seeing him happy.” Kat breathes out a ragged breath. After a few moments, she holds out my cup, and I take it wordlessly, my lips rolling together as I try not to blurt my feelings to her.

“He was worried you wouldn’t come. He was so relieved to see you,” I offer back, trading secrets about him. “He’s scared of losing you, Kat.”

“He won’t.”

“I know. I wish my brother and I had your relationship. James and I can barely be in the same room.” I roll my eyes and follow her to the sofa. “You think Perry is a pain in the ass? Well, James is the steroid version, but meaner,” I scoff, and Kat’s face slides into a frown, her fingers rubbing over her lips. “It’s nice to see the love you share. I wish I had that.” After Olivia ripped through the penthouse, I strongly contemplated coming clean about Henrik. I wanted to divulge it all to Cain last night, but things are moving in the right direction, and I don’t want to back peddle and get stuck in the past. My life is here, in London. Henrik isn’t a threat to me. Not now that I have started over. He can’t hurt me or my family.

He has no reason to.

“Talk of the devil.” Kat kicks up her chin, and I roll my neck as Cain walks down the stairs in his swim shorts.

“Morning.” He winks, heading straight for me, gripping my face from behind, and planting a rough kiss on my mouth. It’s as though he has expelled the nightmare from his mind—that and his mother’s appearance. He scuffs his sister's hair. “I’m going for a swim, coming?” He looks at us both expectantly. Kat’s nose scrunches up, and I shake my head aggressively. His eyes are pulled to the ingredients on the side. “Are we having pancakes?” I search his eyes for any sign of tension, but he is back to being closed off.


“Maybe is good.” He leaves us both, and I watch him until he disappears and exits through the side door. An icy chill sweeps inside, and Kat and I protest. I’m glad his mood has improved since last night—seeing his mother really ate away at him.

“You’re in love with my brother.” I jerk to look at Kat, watching me intently. The corner of her lips quirk up in a slight, knowing smile. I flounder, my mouth working wordlessly. She giggles, and I groan and throw a pillow at her. “My lips are sealed.” She mimics locking a key at the edge of her mouth.

I want to dismiss her claim, but instead, I get up with the excuse of needing more coffee and head to the kitchen, her soft laughter chasing me away. I busy myself by making pancakes and pouring several glasses of fresh orange when Cain appears, dripping with water. Ducking my head, I keep my focus on chopping strawberries and bananas. “Tonight, we’ll get takeaway,” he promises.

“Okay.” I hadn’t said as much, but I planned on going home later. I need to do some washing and clean my flat.

Kat joins me, and we start piling up our plates and begin eating without him. He returns moments later, joggers on and a towel slung around his shoulders. His hair is saturated, and he smells of chlorine. “I need to catch up on some work bits. Will you both be good until I'm done?” He stacks his own plate high and stabs a strawberry from my plate, stuffing it in his mouth and smirking widely.

“We’re going to hang out,” Kat announces, and swirls her pancake in syrup. I’ve already cleaned my plate and am finishing my coffee. I know they didn’t get a chance to talk much last night without everyone else present, so I make my excuses and give them the time they need.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic