Page 77 of After Hours

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“I’m going to get a shower, if that's okay?”

“You don’t need to ask.” Cain frowns at me, and after I put my plate in the dishwasher, I leave them alone, but I can feel his eyes glued to my back.

Amberley brought some clean clothes for me yesterday, so I lay them out and then step into the en suite and get in the shower.

Yesterday was unpleasant, with too many emotions to sift through. I meant what I said to Kat. Seeing her and Cain’s relationship gives me a small notion of hope for James and me.

“Lauren?” I turn under the spray to find Cain walking towards me. “You okay?”

My smile is wide and intimate. “Yes, I just wanted to give you some time with Kat.” I brush my hair out of my face and tilt my head under the stream of water, watching him. His eyes grow heavy and trail down my torso.

“I’ve got all day to talk to Kat. I want to talk to you.” Gratitude simmers in his deep blue gaze, and my heart curls with happiness.

“Those eyes don’t look like you have talking on your mind,” I drawl. “And neither does that.” I point at his tented swim shorts.

“I don’t have tospeakto tell you the things you need to hear.”



Ienter Ivory Corp with Danvers and Justine at eight sharp. The open high foyer and deep rich wood are an upgrade from when my father owned this building, but I can still see signs of Carson Limited, and it makes my chest swell with pride. My father built this company, fostered it from the ground up, and Royce would never be in the position he is now if it hadn’t been for Nicholas Carson. He was a rising star in the investment world, and he had a sixth sense for the big game, but it failed him with Royce. Now I was here to take it back. We even dropped by the police station with stacks of evidence to make a lawsuit against Mr Ivory. After today, his name will be dirt, his reputation and credibility a forgotten entity, and then there will be just me. The only man with the name Ivory that holds any merit.

I eat up the marble floor with the confidence of the owner—the place is as good as mine—and I have complete faith and assurance that Ivory Corp will return to its rightful owner. I acknowledge the receptionist with a polite nod as I continue on my way to the elevators. Danvers presses the button, and we rise to the top floor. I know that Royce called an emergency board meeting. Unbeknownst to him, he is missing one member.

“The first thing I’m going to do when the company is back in your name is watch the security footage of you walking in and him being escorted out.” My lips twitch at Justine's excitement.

“If the police act swiftly, we may be lucky enough to see him escorted out in the only way he deserves,” Danvers pipes up. I’m paralysed by adrenaline. Every thought I've had up until this point is spinning like a tornado through my mind, ripping up all wounds and breaking down others. I don’t trust myself to speak, not until I see him.

When the elevator doors open, Austin Keeland is waiting nervously. He’s my inside man and has been feeding me what little information he can. “Lead the way,” Danvers says to the other man when he clocks my grim smile.

I've anticipated this moment for years. Lay awake through my teens, concocting all kinds of retribution against my stepfather, and it’s all come down to this one moment. Tucking my hand in one pocket, I stride past the glass meeting room as several faces snap up in disbelief and some with fear. Royce double-takes and stands slowly, placing his hands on the long smooth wood. He’s aged considerably, and I like to think I'm a contributing factor. “Don’t stand on my account,” I drawl as I enter and take the seat at the head of the table directly opposite him. His jaw grits, and I swallow a smug smile.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?”

Danvers and Justine fold into their seats beside me. “I’m a board member, kindly appointed by your dear associates here.” My eyes cast around the table of executives who I have been schmoozing for months. The many that have recognised when a ship is sinking and know to join ranks elsewhere. My loyalty to them is limited, but they need not know that yet. “Also, a majority stockholder. I earned this seat.Legally.” I dip my chin and glare at him. “So, Royce. How have you been?”

“This is some kind of sick joke, right?” he fumes, lifting his phone and demanding security come to remove me.

“A sick joke would be a man syphoning hundreds of thousands of pounds from his business partner, bedding his wife, and forging his will to accumulate his assets.” Leaning forward, I cup my hands on the table and lift the corner of my mouth in a sinister smile. “The punchline would be me spending years compiling evidence and taking it all fucking back.” Royce’s face washes of any colour, and several of his employees snap to glare at him. Did he really think I was only coming for the house in St. Lucia? It had been Danvers’ idea to target the property abroad whilst they were away.

“Is this true?” the woman nearest to him snaps.

Austin plugs in my USB and hands me the remote as I thumb through a small margin of the evidence. “My god,” a thin-faced man close to him breathes, standing in horror. “You’ve ruined us all.”

“This is all a misunderstanding,” Royce splutters as page after page swipes by before him. “He’s making it up.”

A video of an old man confessing to forging the will pops up, and Royce tries to run for the door. I want to lunge at him and smash his face into the glass, but several officers appear and halt him.

“I may have tipped off an old buddy.” Danvers smirks and swivels to watch as the police move in on my stepfather.

“Royce Ivory, you are arrested on suspicion of identity theft, money laundering, and fraud.”

I stand, buttoning my jacket as my stepfather is carted away, shouting for someone to call his lawyer. Elation erupts in my chest, but I squash it. The fight is not over yet. I will win at the drop of a hat. Danvers is the best at what he does, and I've played a legitimate game. I have everything to gain and nothing to lose, but I intend on dragging him through the courts until he is left with only the clothes on his back.

Turning, I hold out my hand, indicating for those who are now standing to sit before I address the room. “Shall we?”

* * *

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic