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Lucas is my future.

The thought catches me off guard.

I picture exploring Lucas’s body at night and lazy, indulgent mornings in bed. A rush of longing fills me. It would be so easy to fall into a life with Lucas.

And that is a problem.

I gave up a job I loved, the city I thought I’d grow old in, and friends who wanted our future children to grow up together. All for a man who wasn’t willing to sacrifice for me.

After Ben walked out, I took my life back. I found my dream job in the city I left behind and an apartment within walking distance of family and friends.

The only thing missing is a baby, but that future seems too far out of reach. A melancholy takes over me, the impact of divorce hitting me hardest when I thought about this.

I can’t dwell on that, and I also can’t give everything up again. “There won’t be a next time.”

Lucas’ palm runs down my stomach, and he presses his thumb to my clit with enough pressure to steal my breath. “Once isn’t enough.”

The soft glow of the kitchen lights plays on his face, softening the strain of arousal as he gazes down at me. He strokes me until I pant, staving off his release so that I can find mine… again.

He’s putting my desires and needs before his own and making me wonder what my life would be like today if I went home with him that night instead of Ben.

Thoughts like that are dangerous.

I force my voice to steady. “I want you in my mouth, then the bet is over, and we’re done.”


Hurt flashes in his eyes, lodging a prickle of guilt in my chest.

“We both knew what this was when we started.”

A fleeting moment.

Lucas drags his shaft out to the tip, then drives back in, hitting the spot deep inside that makes my entire body shudder, and an involuntary moan pushes up my throat.

“You want to suck my cock?”

“Yes.” I whimper.

“Then you’ll let me have this pussy again.” He slides his cock between my lips in a slow, torturous move, filling me more than any other has before him.

He works my body like he owns it, seducing me without words until I’m ready to agree to anything to hold onto this feeling.

One time with Lucas will never be enough, but one night to satiate every fantasy… My resistance shatters, the orgasm turning me pliant and willing in his arms. “Okay.”

Lucas steps back, his cock slipping out as he lifts me off the counter and pushes me to my knees.

His cock twitches, hard and glistening with my cum. I drag one finger up his shaft and circle the tip, unable to resist touching him.

No fantasy can compare to the reality of seeing him up close.

How did I think one time would be enough?

It isn’t, but this night has to be.

How many fantasies can I satisfy in one night?

There’s only one I crave more than any other. The shy, uncertain version of myself is overtaken by the desperate, needy ache tightening in my core. I look up at him. “We can fuck all night,”

Tags: Adele Knight Romance