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Lucas is inside me.

An unexpected flood of emotion wells in my chest and stings my eyes.

I’ve wanted this moment for so long, but it’s a bittersweet reminder of what I lost.

Lucas wipes the tear rolling down my cheek. “He’s an idiot.”

My thumb automatically searches for the ring I no longer wear. “He’s your best friend.”

The lust in his gaze softens to tenderness as he lifts my dress up my arms and drops it to the floor. “Not anymore.”

Why would he end his longest friendship over me?

He pulls his cock out slowly, dragging his length against my walls until just the tip connects us. I grip his shirt and lock my leg around his hip, desperate to keep him there. I don’t want to think about why we can share this moment or how he cut his childhood friend out of his life.

I just want to take everything I’ve craved.

He buries his cock inside me again and rocks back and forth, teasing and taunting, erasing all thoughts of the past and centering me in the present.

His hips push and pull, building to a punishing rhythm, driving us toward that peak.

His cock swells, and my walls clamp around him, greedy for his cream.

I want to taste him first. “Let me suck you.”

Lucas drops his forehead to my shoulder, his hot breath shuddering against my neck. “Next time. The first time I come, I want it to be inside you.”

Next time…

The rules of the bet rush through my thoughts—a marathon session of fucking with no boundaries or rules.

Fantasies about my husband’s best friend have been my dirty little secret since the night we met in college. The handsome stranger with black curls coaxed this shy book nerd onto the dance floor and made my study-obsessed brain shut down for the first time in forever and just feel.

Feel his hands on my hips and his breath on my neck.

Feel my walls slip, and my body agree to go home with a stranger for the first time.

I would have if I didn’t see another woman all over him while he was waiting for me to say goodbye to my friends.

Going home with a different stranger was reckless, but Lucas made me crazy with need. Ben was only supposed to be one night to scratch the itch Lucas started, but one night turned to three until Ben was the one I wanted to see every morning.

Then I met his best friend…

My love for Ben didn’t ease the pull I felt toward Lucas. Most of the time, it was easy to pretend our moment was fleeting and meant nothing until a drunken conversation bought up the past, and Lucas asked me why I didn’t go home with him that night.

I didn’t want to believe him when he said he went looking for me and couldn’t remember a girl rubbing her hands all over him.

But the confusion and sincerity on his face were too real to be a lie.

We never spoke of it again, but knowing he could have been mine, made pretending I didn’t want him even harder, especially on summer weekends when we all hung out by the pool. A topless Lucas with water dripping from his abs is impossible to ignore.

As much as my body craved the handsome stranger with black curls, I never acted on those feelings.

But Ben did… with an ex he never got over.

The urge to touch my ring finger isn’t there anymore. Ben destroyed the life we had. Lucas coaxed me out of my depression and back into the world.

Ben is my past.

Tags: Adele Knight Romance