Page 48 of Lone Wolf

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“Ah, so you want me to stop.”

I rounded on him and huffed. “No, that’snotwhat I said!”

He winked while taking the box. “In the truck then, little boxer.Good girl.”

The effect that phrase had on me was absolutely criminal. Hearing those words—even just hearing thetonehe used with those words—was enough to ramp up my sex drive well past its limit. Every part of me obeyed his command, even the part of my brain that insisted it was wrong.

But none of it was wrong. He wasn’t wrong at all.

I plopped into the passenger seat, watching him settle the box between us. The way I glared at the items was likely unwarranted, but who cared? There was space between us. Thereshouldn’tbe space between us. Ever.

A silent, unreadable expression crossed his features. After a second of silence, he shoved the box to the ground and started the truck.

“Better?” he teased. “Or would you like to sit closer?”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Drive.”

The softest chuckle broke from his lips like he was enjoying every minute of this. And while it irked me, it also felt natural. It was our rhythm, our nature. This was the way we were now and it wasn’t something to fight or feel weird about. Everyone developed a unique connection with their mate.

My eyes widened.

Wow, when the hell didthathappen?I shook my head and loosened my arms, clutching my knees nervously.He’s not my mate. He’s just a really nice fuck who hasn’t left yet.


I hummed while turning to him. “Yes, Matéo?”

“Buckle in, little boxer.” He popped the truck into manual and hunched over the wheel. “We’ve got company.”

“What do you mean?”

He growled. “We’re not the only car on this road.”

I peeked in the side view mirror, the same one that had injured me just thirty minutes or more ago. And he was right. There was a car behind us. We weren’t alone.

“Gun it,” I whispered. “Go on.”

“No, it’s too dangerous. We’re still descending.”

I swallowed hard. “Maybe you have new neighbors. Or maybe it’s just some teenagers, right?”

“I don’t know, Rose. Just buckle in, okay?”

I obeyed his order, watching the mirror intently. The car followed us down the mountain. Though considering this was the only accessible road, it wasn’t terribly strange.

Until we hit the main road.

Matéo fishtailed to the left and slammed the gas, launching us onto the tar. The car darted after us with the same gusto, trying to keep up with our speed as it flashed its lights. Maybe it was just some dumb kids. They liked pranks, right? They liked fucking with other creatures.

I covered my mouth. “Matty…”

“Hang on,fleur.”

He slapped one of the buttons on the dash. Tires exploded behind us and a heart-stoppingscreecherupted with it. When I checked the mirror, the car had spun out, pausing in the center of the road in the smoke of burned rubber.

I shuddered as I slumped into my seat. “Fuck, Sasha was right.”


Tags: Layla Silver Paranormal