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Gracie:You could never annoy me…but I need to get ready for work. Sorry to cut this short. I promise to talk soon.

Gripping my phone a little harder, I take a deep breath and try to keep my unexpected jealousy at bay. Knowing what her outfit looks like and the way her customers hit on her causes my blood pressure to rise. I just remember the strong woman I met that night and know she doesn’t need my protection. But I can’t help wishing she was able to chase her dreams sooner than later.

On Wednesday, I had a meeting across town with a new contract for a joint venture on a skyscraper. The offer is lucrative, and even though I prefer my company to work solely on a project, this client is a well-known name. I’ve never had the opportunity to work with them on any project, so I’m willing to hear their terms and conditions and any ideas they have. At least for the company’s portfolio, working with another successful company is a selling point.

After my driver rushes across town, I exit the car and make my way to the boardroom. A smiling woman greets me and ushers me into an office where I meet the other company I’m working with.

“I hope you weren’t waiting on me?” I ask, readjusting my grip on my briefcase. Traffic was a nightmare trying to get across town.

She shakes her head. “No, you’re fine. The client isn’t here yet. They had some emergency at the job site they had to leave for. They shouldn’t be much longer.”

I sigh and scrub at my freshly shaved jaw. Thank Fuck. I’d hate to make a bad impression and lose the opportunity to work with them.

“Okay, great.”

She steps aside. My mouth quirks up seeing Mason, who is representing the company I’ll be working closely with.

“Mason. So glad to see you,” I say, walking up to him and offering him a handshake.

He shakes it back. “Marco, it’s also nice to see you. I’m relieved to see it’s you I’ll be working with.”

“Same. I better get settled but talk to me while I do. What’s happening over in your land?”

I step inside the office, moving to the opposite side of the wooden desk and lay my briefcase, unpacking my contract and notes before closing it and putting the case on the floor.

I look across at Mason, who’s representing the other architect company in this joint venture. “We are busy at the moment. It’s a lot of work, so we have a new intern starting. So that should be of help.”

“Yeah, we are pumped as well, but there is no need to hire for this project, however…” I trail off, raising my brow at him with a smirk on my face.

He shakes his head with a laugh. “No, I’m not leaving Nora to come to you.”

“Damn it. Worth a shot.”

He takes a seat and I copy, leaning back and adjusting my tie.

“The trainee will follow me with this project.”

“Where is he?” I ask, frowning.

“Sheis moving states.”

I nod. “Ah, okay. Well, I’ll have to meet her next meeting if it all goes according to plan. Is this your first time working with them too?”

He looks at the door before responding. “Yeah, and I’m pumped. This is a huge opportunity for all three companies.”

“Exactly.” I move my papers, when my phone vibrates. Checking who it is, I freeze at seeing her name. I quickly open it and scan it for anything urgent.

Gracie:I really am sorry I made you sweat, but I hope it was worth it. Even though I feel stupid saying this, I’m telling you anyway, I had a dream about us, and I’m kinda bummed it isn’t real…

My fingers are itching to respond and ask her if I was fucking her senseless, but it’ll have to wait because the client walks in, and I have to put Marco back in the room. “Morning, sorry I’m late, but I had an emergency meeting on site.” He peers at his watch before continuing. “I only have a couple of minutes to run through this before I have to get to another meeting.”

My mind is elsewhere, but the client talking pulls me from my lack of concentration.

“I’ll have weekly meetings scheduled for us, where we will work on one floor at a time and designs will be discussed. If I require changes, I expect them to be made and presented by the next meeting. First official design meeting is scheduled for next week. This was just an introduction and for me to meet you both and give you contracts. Are there any questions?”

“No. I look forward to next week.”

He nods. I scan the contract before saying goodbye to Mason and rushing off to another meeting. As soon as I get into the car on the way back to my office, I pull out my phone and text Gracie back.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance