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How stupid would I have looked if I had done that when she’s clearly not interested?

Yet I still stupidly hold on to a flicker of hope…that just maybe she will contact me. Then, every day that passes with no text or person knocking on my home door who is Gracie, I continue to be disappointed.

Her name is seared into my brain, never to be forgotten.

I run a hand through my hair and return to my computer, leaving all thoughts of her where they belong, in my dreams.

Two hours later, the board meeting is over and my stomach churns in on itself from hunger I’m unable to ignore anymore. I rise and step around my desk, but pause, my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out, thinking it’s Romeo again, but when I read the unknown number, I frown. My brows pull in further when I readMarcnotMarco.

I rub my jaw, because only a select few calls me Marc. But none of my friends or family would send me a text from an unknown number. Not wasting another second, I open it and begin reading.

A broad smile hits me, taking over my entire face. Suddenly my stomach isn’t grumbling anymore, instead it’s flipping with excitement. I stroll back to my chair, eager to sit and read it.

Gracie:Hi, Marc. Hope you’re well. I figured if I was still thinking of you a month later, then I needed to text you. You left me your address and number for a reason…well, here is me using one.

I can’t help but read it slowly a second, then a third time. I shake my head at myself. Needing to write something back instead of staring at the phone like a dumbass. I can’t even stop the stupid wide grin that sits on my face as my thumb hovers over the screen. I give her an honest response not wasting anymore time.

Marc:Bella, I’m great now that you’ve texted me. How are you? I’m surprised and thrilled to hear from you today. It’s what I hoped would happen with my contact details I left for you. ?? I won’t lie though, you had me sweating for a month.

Gracie:I’m good too. I’m sorry to have left you sweating, but I couldn’t be texting you straight away. I didn’t want to appear desperate. ;)

I can’t help but laugh to myself at the fact she says she’s doesn’t want to appear desperate because I’ve been feeling more desperate and needy than I ever have.

Marc:You wouldn’t have seemed desperate considering I have been eagerly waiting for this text. How is life in Chicago?

Gracie:Same old. Work is still the same, but I can’t lie...I couldn’t look Sandra in the face for a week. I’ve scrubbed the bar so many times, I’m sure it’s never been so clean.

I really let out a deep chuckle this time. Before guilt hits me, making my chest heavy.

Marc:Sorry, I really should have cleaned it up that night.

Gracie:Oh, don’t worry. I don’t regret it, not one bit. If anything, it’s just had me wishing you didn’t live in New York, and you lived here in Chicago. Even though our agreement was a one night only thing…;)

I sit back in my office chair, running a hand down my neck, squeezing the tension that’s building. The emotions swirling in me are pulling me in a bunch of different directions, and I don’t know how to feel.

Marc:I haven’t planned another trip back to Chicago because that job ended. I hoped to come visit you but, since being back, work has been hectic. That’s the only reason I haven’t been back. I want to see your beautiful face again and talk over a whiskey sour.

I hit send but then add a follow up one quickly.

Marc:I wish I could do that right now,Bella. And I’m not sure this is really a one-night thing…if you’re still on my mind.

Gracie:I miss you.

I grin like an idiot at those three words. Words that make my chest tighten and I’m about to text back, but I get another text from her before I have a chance.

Gracie:I need you to know that I’m never this sappy, but you seem to bring out this needy and annoying version of me.

I feel this too. It’s uncanny.

Marc:It’s okay. You’re definitely not annoying, and I’m never sappy either. There isn’t a soul in New York who would believe that, so I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine. ;)

Gracie:Your secret is safe with me :)

Marc:To be honest, I don’t care that I’m a sap toward you. I’m more than happy to tell you how your smile brightens up my darkest days and how hollow I feel from being states apart. I hope I can get back to you soon, but if not, just know that I miss you too. And because I’m honest with you, I can tell you…I’ll be checking my phone a little too much from now until we meet again. :)

Gracie:Life isn’t the same now, and I will happily annoy you regularly if you promise to text me too. I just need to hear from you, because I don’t want to be the only one texting.

Marc:Now that I have your number, expect me to annoy you.

Tags: Sharon Woods Romance