Page 23 of Live and Let Orc

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I told her to go fuck herself, and ended the call.

Why I tell her anything I’m not sure. The bond between mother and daughter is complicated for sure.

“There are six dead NHC goons in a house on the edge of our property,” Gathra says. “Oran says he saw Judicial Enforcement at the scene, picking through the carnage. That was you.”

Mol nods. “Yes. That was where I found Raven. She needed me to kill, so I killed.”

“Of course.” Gathra puts a hand on his shoulder. “Nobody would expect you to do differently. But Oran is worried. With that and the rumor—”

“We killed nobody at the festival.”

“Right. But that’s the rumor, Mol. If Oran has heard it, you can be sure Judicial Enforcement has. If they find any evidence to link you to those six dead NHC…”

“There is no evidence.” Mol stands, and glances at the doorway where I’m crouching. My heart jumps into my throat when his eyes catch mine, and I’m sure he’s seen me, but then he raises a hand and points at the room. “One witness. Asleep in there. Another ran off like a whipped dog. You think he wants to admit to shitting himself out there? No. They have their laws, we have ours, I did what I had to do.”

“You’re my son. I don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m going nowhere.”

Just then, there’s a rapid pounding on the door, making me jump. Mol just turns his head at the sound, but even Gathra seems to hunch a little tighter before Oran’s voice comes through. “Mol, they’re taking the bus. They’re saying they’re here for you.”

“Who is?” Mol and I answer in unison, and his eyes snap my way.

“How long have you been listening in, Selthe?”

“Long enough,” I reply with a huff, daring him with my eyes to tell me off. “Oran, what’s this about my bus?”

Mol growls. “I will find out. You stay here.”

“No fucking way, I—”

“No cursing. Mother, watch her. Keep her safe.”

I try to follow him, but feel Gathra’s hand on my chest. She may be a female orc, but she’s still twice my size. “I will watch her,” she says.

She may not be as young as the other orcs around here, but her strength far surpasses anything a human could hope for. I narrow my eyes at her and try to squirm out of her grip, but she doesn’t even seem to be struggling.

“Go,” she says to Mol. “Find out what’s happening.”

He nods and opens the door, and Oran peers in from the other side. “It’s the JE,” he says. “They’re saying you’ve kidnapped Raven. They’re taking the bus and…” He shakes his head. “They followed a blood trail from that house she was in right the way here.”

“Bullshit,” Mol grunts. “There was no blood trail.”

“That’s what they’re saying,” Oran says with a shrug.

“This is ridiculous,” I shout. “Let me come with you, I can explain all of this. Kidnapped?” I shake my head on a laugh. “Do I lookkidnapped?”

Mol turns and eyes me up and down, then looks at Gathra. “Bring her, but stay back. We’ll settle this.”

As we all head outside, I can hear shouting and gunfire. I shrink down, but Oran grunts. “Just warning shots. They’ve been threatening to shoot but they won’t want to provoke a riot. They don’t even outnumber us, any fight would be carnage on both sides.”

“Stay the fuck back, greenskin.” As we get closer, I see the bald, eyepatch-wearing Judicial Enforcement officer from the other night. He’s waving his gun around like a madman while his men inch forward to surround my bus. “Where’s the girl?”

“Thegirlis right here,” I say, and get a stare from Mol that saysstay back, I’ll handle thisin no uncertain terms.

“What’s this all about?” he asks, stepping forward.

“Mol Lakktra?”

Tags: Dani Wyatt Paranormal