Page 22 of Live and Let Orc

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“A good blow job will do that to a guy.”

“How do you know this?” My tears flash to anger. “You have done this oral before?”

Thank the gods she shakes her head. “No, Daddy. Only you. But, I have heard. A good sucking can bring a man to tears, so guess the same applies to orcs.”

“Yes, it would seem. Daddy loves you, sucking or not. But, do not be confused, there will be more sucking. Much more.”

“Good, you taste yummy. Orc jizz is sweet. Like a mocha latte.”

* * *

“One last biteand then I need to show you something.” I look out the window, the sun has moved enough to tell me it’s been just over an hour. “Come.”

“I like my new outfit.” She skips as I hold her hand, looking much like a child herself next to me.

“What do you want to show me?” she asks, slowing her skipping to a walk. “I’m not big on surprises, they are usually bad. At least the last few years.”

“I do not think this is a bad surprise.” I lead her around the fire, snapping my eyes toward every male with a clear message to keep their eyes and attention off what’s mine.

A few more steps and we circle behind one of our storage buildings and she lets out the most wonderful chirping laugh.

“Oh my good gravy! My bus!” She hops on one foot, her little tits bouncing under the leather. “How? I mean…how? Did you find the keys? They were in my backpack. Is all my stuff still inside? My artwork, clothes…the weapons?”

“Slow down.” I take her toward the yellow vehicle, my chest constricting as I open the back door and show her the chaos inside. “I am not sure what was here before, but clearly, things are not in the same order as when you left it.”

Paint is spilled on the floor, her bed is upturned, the cupboards are emptied and who knows what else has been taken from her.

“Wow.” Her glee turns south as she climbs inside, taking in the destruction. “Well, it’s not a total loss. I can fix it up. I’ll paint more canvases. But, still, how did you get it here?”

I swallow, so proud of how she’s handling the disappointment all around her. “I dragged it.”

“You what?” Her mouth falls open, her eyes incredulous. “You. Did. Not.”

“Of course I did. You wanted your bus, I brought you your bus. I will move mountains for you, my Selthe. I crossed time and space for you, dragging your bus was nothing.”

“My hero, Daddy.” She kneels down, squeezing me around my neck as my heart pounds with pride.



“Bullshit.” Mol’s low growl sends a shiver up my spine as I crouch in the shadows at the doorway, listening and watching. He’s sitting across from Gathra at the huge wooden table. They think I’m asleep, and I probably should be, but I also know they won’t notice one small human. “We did no killing.”

Every muscle in my body is sore. I’ve been used by double tongues and cocks until it’s all I see when I close my eyes.

Gathra grunts. “That is the rumor. You know how dangerous a rumor can be.”

“I don’t care about rumors. All I care about is orc.”

“And one human.”

“And one human,” Mol concedes, and I can’t contain the little satisfied smile that pulls at my lips.

Only a few hours ago, I spoke to my mother. The conversation…let’s just say it went differently.

She doesn’t approve. That much I expected. What I didn’t expect was the name calling and downright nastiness I had to listen to. How orcs are filthy, disgusting creatures who should stay with their own kind. How he must have brainwashed me since no human couldpossiblyfind anything attractive about one ofthem.

She told me to head to Texas immediately, and tell the police everything, and they’d make sure thisMolgot the justice he deserved.

Tags: Dani Wyatt Paranormal