Page 34 of Soul Bound

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Alice canted her head as she thought. “I’ll keep looking through the information we’ve got and see if I can find anything. I can’t imagine there would be a problem and if there is, you are only an hour away.”

“Okay then. I’ll head back with Saint and call into my aunt’s on the way back. Is that okay with you?” Marshall asked Aaron.

Aaron frowned. He—or his wolf—obviously didn’t like the idea of being apart. Marshall’s fingers itched to smooth away the furrow that marred Aaron’s brow.

“I’d offer to come with you, but I have an all-day meeting I can’t get out of,” Aaron told him. His frown deepened. “Are you sure you need to go back with Saint? I think you’d be better staying here and strengthening the bond.”

“I’d be happier if I could meet the guys Saint is talking to. We’ve always interviewed together. I also have commitments I can’t just walk away from.”

“I understand that. I’m not asking you to give up your business, but the bond has only just reconnected. Who knows what untold damage we could do by separating so soon. I really think you’d be better off staying here and just sending a sample with Saint. Could you video conference the meeting?”

Irritation flashed through Marshall at the idea that the Alpha thought he could dictate his movements. If this soul bond was as real as everyone was suggesting, then Aaron would learn quickly that his mate was no pushover.

A quiet snort from Saint had Marshall glancing at his friend, who grinned back at him. Oh yes, Saint knew he was pissed. Marshall fought back the childish urge to poke his tongue at him, and Saint only grinned wider.

“Does it really matter if I’m here or not? You’ve just said you’re going to be in a meeting for most of the day, so it’s not like I’ll be able to be with you anyway. I may as well go and do what I have to do in the city and then when I come back, we can work on figuring out the bond.”

Aaron’s face remained impassive as he listened to Marshall. His eyes flashed with what Marshall thought might be anger, but he didn’t know him well enough yet to tell.

“If there is nothing else?” Aaron asked, standing abruptly and looking at everyone except Marshall.

“I think that’s all for now. Unless something important comes up, then I suggest we reconvene on Marshall and Saint’s return,” Vaughn said.

“If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my office.” Aaron’s tone was clipped and his back ramrod straight as he strode from the room. The mild irritation Marshall had felt before exploded into full-blown anger.

Oh no. He may be an Alpha, but Aaron was quickly going to learn hedid notwalk away from him when he had a problem.Marshall pushed to his feet, and Saint sidled up to him.

“Your mate seems a bit pissed. What happened?”

“I’m going to find out.”

“Need backup?”

Marshall quirked an eyebrow at his friend, who took a step back, hands raised in surrender.

“Just asking.”

Marshall headed towards Aaron’s office, anger fueling him. He felt stronger than he had in months, and he was working up a fine head of steam.

As he neared the door to the Alpha’s office, he noticed Blake, one-half of the D’Eath twins, leaning against the wall outside the door.

“Hey, is he free?” Marshall asked.

“He’s asked not to be disturbed,” Blake replied.

Another wave of anger flashed through Marshall, and Blake straightened up and slid into a deceptively relaxed defensive pose.

“How long’s he going to be?”

“Dunno.” Blake shrugged. “I was just told to keepeveryoneaway until told otherwise.”

Marshall didn’t miss the emphasis on the wordeveryone.Fine, if his so-called mate was going to be pissy, then he’d leave him to it. But Marshall needed to work out the aggression that was growing in him the more Aaron ignored him.

“Where’s the gym in this place?”

“Ah, um, head back to the main entrance and then take the south corridor. It’s towards the back with a pool and sauna.” Blake pointed down the hallway.

“Thanks.” Marshall offered nothing else and headed towards the suite he and Saint were using.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance