Page 33 of Soul Bound

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“So, you do know what it means?” Aaron prodded.

Marshall caught Alice’s eye, and she winked at him. He felt his face turn a shade of red that he was sure matched the one in the soul bond. He touched Aaron’s arm, drawing his attention.

“I… ah… think it may have something to do with our…meetingearlier,“ he said, hoping Aaron caught on to what he was implying.

Understanding dawned, and Aaron smirked.

“Right.” He turned back to Alice. “So, will the soul bond keep changing as Marshall and I get to know each better?”

“Yes. It will. As you learn more about each other, the bond will grow and change with you.”

“Will it always be visible to those with the sight?” Marshall asked. He really didn’t want everyone to know when he was turned on by his mate.

“No. Once the bond is sealed, it will absorb into your natural aura. Aaron’s alpha strength will increase, and those around him will notice. With you, though, I honestly don’t know what will happen. You have a powerful aura now, but how that will change once you and Aaron are soul mated, only time will tell.”

Marshall mulled over her words. With every bit of new information they got, it created more questions.

“What other updates do we have?” Vaughn asked. “Marshall, have you talked with your parents?”

“Yes. An aunt has done some family history research on my father’s side and Ma is going to ask her if she’s found any shifters. She should call back soon.”

Vaughn nodded his approval. “Good. The quicker we know, the better. Anything else?”

“I heard from my friend at the lab in Stone City,” Sam said.

“That was quick. You only sent the sample this morning. I thought you said it would be a few days before he could get back to you.”

“Unfortunately, the driver of the courier van had an accident on his way into the city. All the samples have been compromised. I’m sorry, Marshall. I’m going to need to take a fresh sample.”

“Is the driver okay? Is he Pack?” Aaron asked.

“Yes, he’s fine. Only a few bumps and bruises, and no, he wasn’t Pack. He’s a human contractor from the city.”

“When do you want the sample?” Marshall asked, dreading the thought of giving yet more blood.

“The fresher, the better, so probably first thing in the morning so I can get it on the first courier out.”

“Would it be better if Marshall gave the sample at the lab?” Saint asked. Marshall had almost forgotten that his friend was in the room, but Saint was good at that. Quietly sitting and observing.

“That would be the best scenario, but we don’t have a lab with the testing capabilities in Bakersfield.”

“I have to head back to the city tomorrow for a night. Either I could take the sample, or if it’s better, Marshall comes with me, and he can give the sample at the lab, and then he can join in the meeting I’m having afterward.”

“You were able to get in touch with them, then?” Marshall asked. He hadn’t caught up with Saint to see if he’d gotten a hold of the gargoyles.

“Yeah. They’re going to come and observe the class tomorrow afternoon, and then we’ll have a chat. See if they’re interested.”

“I could call in on Aunt Lisa at the same time, and see what info she’s got for me,” Marshall agreed.

“How long would you be gone for?” Aaron asked.

“Only twenty-four hours. One of our employees has called out sick with a migraine, leaving our manager short of class instructors tomorrow. Saint is going to run the class, and we have a couple of guys who may be interested in coming on a casual, part-time basis to help us out.”

“Alice, will us being apart affect the soul bond?” Aaron asked.

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “You’ve only known each other for a day, and the bond is stronger now than it was this time yesterday. It will only keep getting stronger the more you are together.”

“So, I should be fine to head back to the city for a night?”

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance