Page 32 of Soul Bound

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Without a thought, Aaron leaned forward, and their mouths met in a soft, almost chaste, kiss.


Chapter 9

Marshallshifteduncomfortablyonthe couch in the family room. He wasn’t in pain, far from it. Apart from the minor system overload earlier in Aaron’s office, he felt better than he had in a long time.

No, his discomfort was from the knowing look that Alice was giving him from across the room. Her eyes twinkled with mischief, and although he didn’t know her well, he could see she was suppressing a grin and the urge to say something.

“What are you cackling about, old woman?” Rafe asked. The panther enforcer was slouched against the wall, tattooed arms crossed as he glowered at everyone.

“Nothing for you to worry about, young cub.”

Rafe’s glower deepened, if that was possible, at Alice’s words. This time, Alice did laugh out loud.

“There’s no threat to security, so what is it the kids are saying these days? Chill out? Is that right?” She winked at Marshall, who burst out laughing.

“Yeah, I think so. I’m a bit out of touch myself.”

The door burst open, and Vaughn and one of the other Elders strode into the room.

“Sorry for the delay,” he said before noticing his son was missing. “Where’s Aaron?”

“He should be here in a moment. He was talking with a pack member and said he’d be here shortly,” Marshall replied.

After their kiss earlier, they’d eaten and chatted as Marshall rested. They had been preparing to join the others for the meeting when a young female wolf shifter had asked if she could have a quick word.

Thinking about their kiss had Marshall warming. It had been so long since he had been kissed, and Aaron certainly knew what he was doing. He hoped they could repeat the experience again soon and maybe go a little further, but that would depend on him and how his body reacted.

The object of his thoughts appeared, smiling at Marshall as he entered the room, Darcy following closely behind. Marshall couldn’t hold back a grin and the flash of desire that went through him.

“Whoa! What was that?” Darcy exclaimed; her eyes were wide as she looked between the two of them.

“What? What did you see, Darcy?” Aaron demanded.

“Darcy.” Alice’s voice was low and her tone was a warning. Darcy blushed and dropped her head to one side.

“Sorry Alpha. Sorry Gran.”

Alice indicated to Marshall with a nod of her head, and Darcy offered him an apology, too.

“Thanks, but what are you sorry for?” Aaron asked as he sat beside Marshall.

Darcy looked at her grandmother helplessly. Alice sighed before she answered.

“Darcy needs to learn some diplomacy. She needs to learn not to blurt out when she sees things. Some things are private and not to be shared.”

“Ah. I see,” Aaron said. “I take it there has been a change in the soul bond?”

“Ye… yes, Alpha,” Darcy whispered.

“What’s changed?” Marshall asked. He was curious and suspected any changes were because of what happened earlier in Aaron’s study.

“It’s bri… brighter and thicker, and there are now threads of red through it.”

“Red? Do we know why it would turn red?” Vaughn asked, obviously worried about them.

“Ah, no. Nothing to be worried about,” Alice replied.

Tags: Zoe Piper Romance