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“Declan is here already,” Sean says. “We wanted you two to come early.”

I roll up the sleeves of the pink cardigan I’m wearing. “To help with dinner? I’m in.”

“No.” He stops me with a hand on my shoulder just as I’m about to brush past him. “We need to tell you something, Ava.”

I glance up at his face. I can’t read his expression. I don’t know if the news is good or bad, but I know I need to hear it now.

“Tell me,” I whisper. “What’s going on?”

Suddenly, Declan and Callie appear from the kitchen. She exchanges a look with Sean before she nods.

“Come here, Decky.” Sean beckons our brother over with a curl of his index finger. “I need to tell you something.”

Declan starts toward us. Naturally, he’s dressed in a suit even though it’s Saturday. “Who fucked up what, Sean? Fire them. You’re too soft on our employees. I don’t care who it is. If they’re not pulling their weight, fire them.”

“It’s me,” Callie says softly. “I’m going to need some time off during one of our busiest campaigns, Declan.”

My heart lurches in my chest because as she says the words, her hands fall to her flat belly.

“Why?” Declan glances at her before he looks back to Sean. “Is something wrong? Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I think everything is right.” I smile. “I think they’re trying to tell us that everything is perfect.”

Confused, he searches my face before he steps closer to Sean. “What am I missing here? What has Ava figured out that I haven’t?”

Sean curls his hands around Declan’s neck and stares at our older brother’s face. “I’m going to be a dad, Decky. Callie and I are having a baby.”

“No shit? Declan asks through a laugh. “This is fucking fantastic.”

They embrace, and before I know what’s happening, they pull me in between them.

We hug as Callie rushes toward us to get in on it.

Sean scoops a hand around her waist, tugging her closer. “It’s early, but we wanted to share. I’ll fill mom and dad in when they get back from Florida. The guys know, but I wanted to tell you two when we had a second alone together.”

If Declan’s hurt by the fact that Sean told his friends first, he’s not showing it. I would have been surprised if Sean had shared that news with us before he confided in Graham, Kavan, and Harry. His friends are as much a part of his family as Declan and I are.

“Congratulations.” Declan hugs Callie before dropping his gaze to her stomach. “This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time.”

I take a small step back and gaze at my family. I haven’t felt this much at home in years, but when I glance at the table, a small pit forms in my stomach because I have little doubt that Harrison Keene is on his way here.



I should have known Sean would go all out after Roxy asked if he’d cook for her. We walk into his apartment to at least six or seven voices, all talking over each other.

I spot Declan standing next to Kavan. Graham is cradling his daughter, Sela, in his arms, and next to the table, Callie is engrossed in a conversation with Juliet and Graham’s wife, Trina.

Sean is headed straight for us with something green in his hand.

Roxy lets out a squeal when she sees what it is.

Fuck Sean for always knowing how to score points with everyone.

“This is Miss Greenface,” he tells Roxy as he drops a stuffed gecko in her arms. “You can sit her outside Greeny’s house, but don’t let her inside. He’ll tear her apart.”

Roxy’s head falls back in laughter. “He’s going to be so happy, Sean. Thank you.”

She moves to embrace him, and he’s all in, dropping to a knee to gather her into his arms.

“You’re taller, aren’t you?” he teases her. “You seem taller to me.”

“I’m always taller than the last time you saw me.” She plants a kiss on the stuffed gecko’s head. “You’ll never be taller than you are now. Only shorter one day.”

“Way to ruin the mood, Rox.” He shakes his head. “I picked up some of those juice boxes you love. They’re in the kitchen. My sister is in there. She’ll get you all set up with one.”

The knowledge that Ava is in this apartment sets my pulse racing. A sudden rush of desire hits me even though I haven’t laid eyes on her yet.

“What’s her name?” Roxy asks with a tilt of her head as she stuffs the gecko part way into the bib of her overalls, so its head is the only thing sticking out.

“Ava,” he says. “She’s wearing a pink shirt just like you, so you can’t miss her.”

She takes off in a running skip toward the kitchen.

Tags: Deborah Bladon The Buck Boys Heroes Romance