Page 51 of Fighting for King

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“Ha ha. Very funny.” King rolled his eyes even as a smile curled his lips.

“I was going for the whole shrinking violet thing.”

“I noticed. You were very convincing. Have you thought about going into acting?” He walked closer to the couch until he was standing right next to it, staring down at me.

I gave him a droll look before I shook my head. “No, I heard it’s not a very steady way to support yourself. And I’m all about self-reliance.” Then my teasing smile fell away as I realized what I’d just said. I was now single, technically living with my parents or my boss—who I was going to screw in a minute—depending on how you looked at it. I sighed. “Or I used to be, anyhow.”

“I think you’re an amazing, strong, independent woman.”

“You’re just saying that because you want to get into my pants.”

King raised an eyebrow. “Funny. I don’t see any pants.”

I bit my lip as his gaze raked over my body. I swore I could feel his gaze almost like a touch, lingering on my breasts, dancing over my nipples, nudging against my sex, before he returned to my face.

His eyes gentled. “You feeling up to another round? Or did I already wear you out?”

The fact that he could gently check in with me, while also stroking his ego and his dick—literally—at the same time had me laughing and shaking my head. “You are ridiculous. Get over here.”

King’s eyes smoldered as he closed the distance between us. All the levity of the moment drained away when he climbed onto the couch and settled between my legs.

This was real. This was happening.

Holy shit. I was going to sleep with my boss.

Was I really going to do this?

I took in his amazing body, that huge, condom covered dick, and his heavy-eyed stare. He wantedme. This man with his amazing body and mind and incredible loving nature wanted little ole me. Not to mention the fact that he’d already gave me a phenomenal orgasm.

Hell yes, I was doing this.

I watched, mesmerized, as he nudged my thighs wider. He braced himself up on one arm, his other hand holding himself. He paused to take an unsteady breath. His eyes flicked up to mine, and he held my gaze as he thrust into me. He didn’t stop until his hips kissed mine.

His head fell back with a groan. “Oh, Bee. This is… Fuck me.”

He braced himself up on both arms and leaned down to kiss me hard. The only part of his body that moved was his lips as they moved over mine in a punishing kiss. His tongue teased mine, leading me in a thrust and parry that I couldn’t help but mimic with my hips, arching up against him. My breath hitched as my clit ground against his pelvis.

King pulled his head away with a groan. “You are seriously dangerous, woman. I hope you’re ready because I can’t wait anymore.”

His lips blazed a trail down my neck to my breasts as his hips slowly moved away from mine. But before I could miss him, he was back, thrusting deep. He quickly set a fast pace, and all I could do was hold on and enjoy the ride.

Because he felt amazing. He was big but gentle. He didn’t put too much of his weight on me, and I sure as hell enjoyed what this position did to his amazing muscles. His forearms flexed, and his muscles moved with every thrust. He was the walking definition of forearm porn, and I would never look at his arms the same way again.

“Oh god,” I groaned as I felt my body building toward my orgasm. “Don’t stop. Oh, King.”

King shifted his body until he was supported on one arm alone then dove his other hand between our bodies. His agile fingers went to torturing my clit, and it was more than I could take.

My head fell back, and I threw my arm over my mouth as I came. My orgasm screamed through me fast and hard. My thighs clamped around his hips as my body squeezed every ounce of orgasm out of my body.

And apparently out of King’s body too.

He fell down onto me with a loud groan of his own, the muscles in his back twitching.

I wrapped my arms around him and held on, burrowing my face into his neck. We both lay there panting and holding each other.

Once my heartrate and aftershocks settled, I blinked my eyes open and stared at King’s living room ceiling over his shoulder. I didn’t want the moment to end, and yet King’s weight was getting to be a little too much on top of me.

“Um, King?”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance