Page 52 of Fighting for King

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He grunted, the huff of his breath stirring my hair.

I nudged his shoulder, all but pushing him until he finally rolled off of me and onto his side against the back of the sofa.

“Sorry,” he grunted. “Didn’t mean to crush you. I’ll get up once I can trust my knees to hold me again.”

I sighed in contentment and cuddled into his side. “I’m totally fine here, now that I can breathe.”

“It’s been forever since I’ve come that hard. We are so doing that again. Once I get feeling back in my legs. But I’m old and it’s been a while, so don’t hold your breath.”

“You’re not that old.”

King jostled me as he sat up and reached back for a tissue on the sofa table behind us. He took care of the condom and tossed the crumpled tissue on the floor before wrapping his arms around me again. “I’m thirty-six. My recovery period is definitely longer than it used to be.”

I snorted. “You say thirty-six like it’s sixty-six. You’re only six years older than me.”

“See? Ancient.”

I rolled my eyes, not that he could see my reaction, and settled into his arms again. Somehow I hadn’t imagined cuddling would be a part of our fuck buddy arrangement.

Not that I was complaining. It was nice. Comfortable.

I couldn’t remember the last time someone had held me like this. Danny certainly hadn’t in the last year of our marriage. It’d been a miracle I’d gotten pregnant in those last months, considering how little time we’d spent with each other.

I groaned. Why was I thinking about him now?

“What’s wrong?” King murmured against my ear.

I sighed. “I’m thinking about things I shouldn’t. About people I shouldn’t.” Seriously? Why did I say that? Tohim? “I mean, nothing. It doesn’t matter.”

“Sounds like deep thoughts.” King hummed as his arms tightened around me. “Feel like sharing?”

“Not really. It’s just hard to let go of the past, you know? Hard to get over old hurts.”

“You are preaching to the choir on that one, baby. I am King of Past Hurts. Literally.” He snickered at his lame pun. “All I can tell you is that it really does get easier with time. And you can talk to me about it, any time you need to.”

I sighed and burrowed deeper into his arms, loving the feeling of them wrapped around me. Was this man for real? Smart, gorgeous, caring, an amazing father—he was the entire package.

But I didn’t believe in that anymore. And I couldn’t fall for him. This was a completely surface relationship. Sex for fun. Period. No feelings allowed.

I’d been burned to a crisp after my marriage. I didn’t believe in happy couples and long-term monogamy anymore.

“Thank you, King. I appreciate that.” I twisted so I could give him a soft kiss.

Our soft kiss quickly turned into something more passionate. Our lips and tongues dueled until I felt something nudging my hip.

I pulled away and gave him a sultry look. “Are your old bones ready for round two?”

King fake scowled back at me. “I’ll show you an old bone.”

I jumped up from the couch with a squeal and let King chase me upstairs.

He caught me in front of my bedroom door. And I got to appreciate his muscles once more as he tossed me over his shoulder and carried me down the hall to his bedroom where he showed me his old bone that, in my opinion, wasn’t old at all.

Chapter Fifteen


Briar wasn’t in bed with me when I woke up the next morning. She must’ve slipped out sometime after I passed out after round three. Still, I couldn’t resist running my hand over the spot in bed next to me where I’d last seen her. She’d looked so cute and content as she’d curled up next to me. I’d worn her out.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance