Page 18 of Fighting for King

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I turned back to Zoe and entertained her with a pot and some silverware. The hellacious noise so early in the morning was jarring, but I couldn’t resist the huge grin on her face when she first banged the spoon down.

Speaking of things I couldn’t resist, I took another glance over Zoe’s head and watched Kingston cooking breakfast. He waved the spatula to some beat in his head as he stared at the pancakes cooking on the griddle. He was totally unguarded.Although I wondered if he would’ve sung if I wasn’t here. I would’ve loved to hear that.

Because it definitely felt like he was being less than his usual self because of my presence. I was so confused. We’d totally had a bonding moment last night. I thought this morning would be different. That maybe we were on our way to being friends.

But Kingston was back to being his usual grunting, potato personality self.

I had to quickly school my expression as Kingston turned around with a heaping plate of pancakes in one hand and a tray of bacon in the other.

He set them on the table, and I smoothly fixed Zoe’s plate as he dished his own. It was pretty easy to hide from someone who rarely even looked in your direction.

We all ate in mostly contemplative silence—only interrupted by Zoe’s babble and occasional clank against the plate.

Finally, Kingston jerked his chin at me. “I was thinking since you’re going to be working full out for the next few weeks you should take the next few days off.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Adam was right—you’re a good fit. You get along great with Zoe, and I trust you. Take the next two days, and we’ll see you Sunday night. Maybe try to pop in before Zoe’s bedtime, so Monday morning won’t be as jarring for her.”

“Okay. Wow. Thanks.” My cheeks heated at his matter-of-fact compliments. “And I will.”

We finished breakfast in awkward silence—Kingston looking at his phone and occasionally urging food into Zoe’s mouth, and me trying and failing to not watch every move he made.

When we finished, I gathered the dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

Everything cleaned up, I turned and clutched my hands. I’d been given two days off, and I literally had nothing to do,nowhere to go. I guess I could go back home to my parents’ house? Capital L Loser. Ugh.

But that reminded me.

“Um, Kingston? Before I go, I wanted to run something by you.”

He pulled Zoe out of the highchair then turned to face me. “Yeah?”

“I was wondering if it would be okay if my parents could come by to visit, or maybe Zoe and I could go to their house?”

His eyes narrowed and a muscle flexed in his jaw. After a few beats—and while waiting, sweat built up under my boobs—he finally spoke. “Let’s get one thing clear right now. I don’t want you drivinganywherewith Zo. I have a car service with tactically trained drivers to take you where you need to go when you’re with her. But you’re not to take her anywhere without my prior approval. And as for your parents…”

Zoe babbled something and grabbed Kingston’s collar in her tiny fist. “Bunny.”

Almost like the reminder of his daughter’s presence calmed him slightly, Kingston sighed. “They can come here if I meet them,andthey agree to sign an NDA.”

“I get that you want to know who’s around your daughter, but an NDA? Really, Kingston? You won’t even be here. Besides, my parents won’t talk to reporters. They’re not like that.”

“I don’t care. They sign an NDA, or they don’t come around me or my daughter. And you better not say a fucking word to anyone about me or my family.”

My eyes grew wide, and even Zoe’s shoulders hunched as she blinked up at her daddy.

Not that he noticed. Kingston narrowed his eyes at me and continued. “Once upon a time I thought my mom wasn’t like that either. But I was wrong. You think it’s hard to get on social media and see posts about your ex? Try everyone in the wholecountry knowing your most embarrassing high school moment. You going to stand there and pretend like you never heard the story of me and my high school play?”

I shook my head, mutely.

“My mom did that. She sold me out to a few reporters for the attention. So forgive me if I don’t trust everyone with an innocent face. I’ve been sold out by my ownfamily. Don’t even get me started on my ex’s family. Trust is a little hard to come by in these circles.”

“No. I mean, okay. I understand,” I whispered. “I’ll ask if they’ll sign an NDA.”

“Good,” Kingston grunted then jostled Zoe in his arms, his expression immediately calming at the sight of her big, watching eyes. “We’ll see you Sunday night.”

“Bye,” I murmured to his retreating back as he and Zoe walked away without a second look. Leaving me standing there with aching, empty arms.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance