Page 19 of Fighting for King

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All alone.

Chapter Six


The first few days on set were a grind. I was going to work before Zoe was awake and coming home long after bedtime. I missed my daughter.

Most nights I was home after Briar was asleep too, so I couldn’t even hear about their day. Popping into the nursery and watching Zoe sleep wasn’t the same. And phone calls just weren’t cutting it. There had to be a way for me to workandsee my little girl.

I waved Adam over when we finished with the scene.

“What’s up?” Adam asked as he walked alongside me toward my trailer.

“How long a break do I have right now? And have they posted the call sheet for tomorrow yet?”

“Uh…” Adam juggled the folder and stack of papers in his hands. “You’ve got two and a half hours before you’re due back on set, and I haven’t seen the final call sheet for tomorrow yet.”

“Great. Call the car service and have them pick up Zoe and Briar. I want them here ASAP. I’ll talk to Briar and get her onboard. I want Zoe here when I have my longest break of the day. I can’t do this shit without seeing my little girl anymore.” I climbed the steps to my trailer with him trailing behind me. “And make sure we have whatever we need on hand for Zoe’svisits. We’ll need a highchair, a Pack ‘n Play for naps, her favorite snacks. I’ll have Briar make you a list.”

With the folder tucked into his armpit, Adam made notes on his phone. “Got it. I’ll call for the car now, so Zo is here ASAP, and then there’s something we need to talk about.”

Damn, that was never good. I sighed. “Sure. I’ll call Briar, and then we’ll talk.”

Adam already had his phone to his ear, so he gave me a thumbs up.

Since I couldn’t have my phone on set, I usually left it in my trailer or with Adam. Where did I set it down last time I was in here? I scanned the tiny kitchenette but came up empty. Sofa. I grabbed it off the small end table and thumbed through my contacts to where Adam had saved Briar. She wasn’t under B. What the hell was her last name? She wasn’t under N for nanny. Son of a bitch.

The few times I’d called during bedtime to talk to Zoe, Adam had called her for me.

“Adam, what’s Briar’s last name?”

He held his hand over his phone as he turned to me. “St. Clair.”

I nodded my thanks and pulled up the S section of my contacts. If me not knowing the last name of the woman taking care of my daughter wasn’t a screaming indictment of my shitty attempt at fatherhood, I didn’t know what was.

Briar answered on the third ring. “Hello?”

“Hey Briar. I need you to get Zoe ready to come visit me on set. The car will be there in—” I turned and faced Adam, raising my eyebrows.

“Twenty minutes,” Adam returned.

“Twenty. They’ll have a carseat for Zo. But I need you to pack diapers, a few snacks, and whatever you think will keep her occupied for the drive here and home.”

“Um, okay. Yeah. I can do that.” Briar’s voice sounded shaky, but at least she answered in the affirmative. I hated when previous nannies had pushed back when I had to arrange last minute visits with my daughter. My life wasn’t exactly normal. And she wasmydaughter. I paid the nannies’ salaries. They had to be flexible, or this didn’t work.

“Thanks.” I might be her boss, but that was no excuse for acting like a tool. “When the driver shows up, check his ID. He’ll be coming from Pinnacle Town Car Service and the driver’s name is—” I raised my eyebrows at Adam again.

He’d finished his call but glanced at the phone in his hand to read the name. “Tyrese Walker.”

I repeated the info for Briar, and she promised to have herself and Zoe ready for the trip.

I ended the call and sighed. “I think this one might go the distance. She’s actually more interested in Zoe than me. You were right, Adam. Thank you for fighting to hire her.”

Adam grinned. “I kinda want to record this. The great Kingston Grier is admitting he was wrong? And his lowly assistant was right?” He held up his phone with a huge grin on his face. “Say it again, but this time slower and enunciate. Also, can I put this on my social media?”

I flipped him off with a laugh. “You can put that online. I’m not saying it again, punk.”

“I knew it was too good to be true.” Adam fake scowled as he lowered his phone. “I did record you flipping me the bird though. I’m going to cherish it always.”

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance