Page 15 of Fighting for King

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“So tell me! How’s it going?” Lyla’s mellow voice came from my speakerphone as I sat alone in a corner of the living room. “I usually give my clients at least a week before I check in, but I have to know. Are you liking it? How are you settling in?”

I’d been reading an ebook on my phone after putting Zoe to bed. And now I had the whole house to myself, since King was out at a business dinner with his agent. I took it as a good sign.

It’d only taken him three days to leave me alone with her.

I cleared my throat. “It’s going good so far. I love Zoe. She’s so cute and smart. I swear she already knows more than a lot of my students when they arrive at preschool at the beginning of the year. And she’s not even two yet!”

“I knew you were the perfect fit for this job. I swear I felt it in my bones when I read the specifics.” Lyla’s voice rang with self-satisfied pride. “But how are things with her father? Everything okay? Are you comfortable with the living arrangements?”

“Are you kidding? My closet is bigger than my bedroom back home, and I have my own bathroom. The house is gorgeous, but it doesn’t exactly feel like home, you know? I’m very aware that I’m living in someone else’s house. Tonight’s the first night I’veventured out of my room during my down time, and that’s only because he’s not here.”

“What about Kingston? Is he not making you feel at home? Is there…friction there? I thought he was a pretty nice, warm guy when I spoke to him.”

He must’ve saved all his charm forotherpeople. I sighed. “I haven’t really spent much time with Kingston. He’s around, but he hasn’t really talked with me much aside from Zoe’s schedule, security info, his schedule. He’s all about Zoe or busy with whatever. He doesn’t really talk.”

“I’m sure that will just take time. After a few weeks it’ll feel like you’re a member of the family.”

I seriously doubted I’d ever think of Kingston Grier as a member of my family.

Sure, he was good looking. A movie star. And I’d been so nervous around him—at first. He was also kind of a dud when I talked to him. I’d met more charismatic wallpaper.

But instead of letting all that unprofessionalism leak out—yes, Lyla was my bestie, but she was also technically my boss, which would put her in a weird place—I gave her a weak, “Uh-huh.”

“I know it’s only been a few days, but you’ll get there. I really think this is the perfect job for you. Have you given any thought about when you’ll give notice to your school?”

I laughed. “I’m only three days into this job, Lyla. I’m still on probation with Kingston and your company.”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’m just excited for you. And I like it when you acknowledge that I’m right. You giving your notice at your old job would be just one more tally mark in my column.”

“You’re crazy.” I shook my head as I laughed. “But yes, you were right. I love the job, and so far, everything is great. Thank you for being so awesome and right.”

“You’re very welcome.” Lyla laughed with me, then after a beat she sighed. “I’m guessing by your attitude you haven’t been on social media tonight.”

And just like that, all the levity disappeared. Something not good was coming. “No.”

“I think it would be best if you stayed off for the next few days. Until their posts fall out of your feed.”

An icy feeling of doom clutched at my heart. I didn’t have to ask to know who she was talking about.

“I’m sorry, Bri. I just don’t want you to see it and get hurt again. If it helps any, I didn’t get invited. I’m clearly Team Briar. But unfortunately, we have a few mutual friends who aren’t as loyal.”

Tears burned my eyes as I whispered, “Yeah. Thanks, Ly.”

“You know this will pass, right? I get that it’s still raw, but that asshole isn’t worth any more of your tears. And you’ll do so much better than him and his tiny, cheating pecker when you’re ready. You’ll see.”

“Thanks, Ly.” I swiped at the tear rolling down my cheek. “You know I love you, right? You’re the best friend a girl could ever ask for.”

“Love you too, Bri. Get some sleep and stay off social media. Don’t torture yourself.”

“I’m going to bed now. ‘Night.”


I pushed the red button on my screen, then swiped to the home screen.

Where that icon mocked me.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance