Page 77 of Falling for Rome

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I closed my eyes and mentally cursed myself, Jeff, and anyone else who was stupid enough to trust my druggie brother again. “Well, that will be changing first thing tomorrow.”

“What’s wrong, bro? What’s with the attitude? I thought you’d be happy to see your little brother.”

“You’re high.” I shook my head. “Do you seriously not remember what happened the last time you were here?”

“Enlighten me.”

“You called my girlfriend a whore and I kicked your ass out. It was only a few weeks ago. How do you not remember that? Never mind. I’m not dealing with you like this.”

Nix shrugged, a shadow passing through his eyes. “A lot of shit has happened since then.”

“Seriously? It’s been like two weeks.” I blew out a frustrated breath. “Right. Well, you weren’t welcome then and you sure as shit aren’t welcome now. Get the fuck out of my house. I’m taking your name off the list at the gate and changing whatever passcode you got your hands on. Get out.”

“Hey, where’s the love?”

“It’s with the woman behind me, the one you callously called an ugly name. I love you, bro, but I sure as hell don’t trust you. You burned through all my trust after the last party you had here. I don’t even want to remember the shit I saw that night.”

A muscle flexed in Nix’s jaw, but he didn’t say a word.

“And it’s not like you’re acting the least bit remorseful about any of it. I haven’t heard an ‘I’m sorry’ once from you over the last few months. And you have a hell of a lot to apologize for.”

“You’re such a hardass.”

“Beats being a drugged-out screwup. I’ve got a wonderful woman in my bed and producers calling me every day begging me to work with them. What the hell do you got?”

Nix jumped off the couch and barreled toward me. I stepped away from Sophia, pushing her behind me and took his first blow to my stomach.

But then it was on.

Nix and I traded blows like we did when we were younger. Back then, we would wail on each other just because. Because he looked at me wrong or I stole the last roll at dinner. Only this time we were bigger, I had more muscle mass due to my sessions with my trainer, and Nix had me on height. His reach was longer, and his anger ran deep.

Sophia yelled something, but with the blood rushing through my veins, I couldn’t make it out. I grunted as Nix plowed a fist into my stomach, and I returned with one of my own. Nix’s head went back after I punched his jaw. Then it was a blur of fists and grunts and smacking flesh.

“Guys! Enough! Stop!” Sophia yelled, trying to back away from me and Nix.

“Don’t!” I turned to pull her back when Nix’s fist meant for me plowed into Sophia, shoving her hard into the wall. Her head snapped back and hit the wall with a crack that made my heart drop.

“Owww!” She cried out, falling to the floor clutching her head.

Nix froze. “Shit!”

“Dammit!” I cursed, pulling Sophia into my arms. I checked her head anxiously. No blood, but a lump was already forming. She’d have a hell of a headache for a while.

All because of Nix. And his fucking selfishness.

Clutching Sophia tight against my chest, I jabbed a finger at my brother. “See, this right here is why I don’t want you in my life. Every single time you’re high, you fuck something up. And don’t even try to tell me that you’re not. I can see it on you. Smell it on you.” I shook my head at him, disgusted at the shell of a man standing in front of me. He wasn’t the brother I remembered. He sure as hell wasn’t anyone I wanted near my girl. “Get the fuck out of my house!”

“Bro, come on.” Nix protested. “You know I didn’t mean to—”

“That’s the problem,” I roared. “You never mean to. But it still happens. You’re toxic just like that shit you’re snorting or smoking or whatever. Get the fuck out, and don’t come back!”

Sophia tugged on my shirt. “Rome, take a breath. You don’t say something in anger that you don’t really mean. He’s your brother.”

“Not any more. I meant every fucking word I said. Get the fuck out.”

Nix opened his mouth then closed it. His eyes blazing with emotion, he shook his head, and stomped away. Pausing next to the front door, he pulled something out of his front pocket and slapped it on the small table there. “Congratu-fucking-lations.”

The door slammed shut behind him.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance