Page 38 of Empty Promises

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The guy nodded. His gaze dropped to me, and I felt as if I was being picked apart piece by piece. My stomach rolled, and I swallowed the bile burning the back of my throat. I’d felt that stare plenty of times in my life, just not from someone my own age.

“Then I’m sure we can come up with a reasonable payment. Tell Luxious to call me.”

“What just happened?” I asked.

Rem sighed and laid her head on top of mine. She was only a few inches taller than me, but she made it seem like I was two whole feet shorter than her.

“Bullshit. Lux is going to be pissed they made a move while we were out.” Rem stood up again and grabbed her jacket from my hands. “Thanks for the heads up, pres. I’m taking her with me.”

I stared at Mac, but he didn’t look at me. He’d called the kings? Why? Frances had called him the king’s dog, but I was kind of hoping we were friends.Guess I was wrong.

My phone wentoff for what felt like the tenth time in the past hour. I ignored it like the others as I focused on my target. There hadn’t been nearly enough time spent on recon. I was two hours from my old home and even further from Aridole.

It was crazy how I felt more relaxed out on a job. Knowing I was going to give this up once I was free felt like cutting a piece of myself off. It would be worth it in the end. Stealing wasn’t a hobby or something I wanted to keep. Yeah, my blood started pumping, and excitement filled me when I started a job. It was a short time rush, one I’d happily give up once I was out on my own.

I’d been sneaking out to the upper side of the city for well over a month before my mother stormed in and flipped everything upside down. Blaming her felt like a cop-out. I knew what I needed to do. I had priorities, and I’d let them slip by all because of a change. My whole life had been a constant whirlwind of crazy shit. I’d just gotten so close to true freedom I’d let my guard down.No more.

Peeking at the time, I slipped a bright red scarf on and wove between the cars, making my way to the one I knew would fetch the best price. Walking with confidence was the best option. I knew where each camera was located. I’d prefer to have shut them all down, but time wasn’t exactly on my side.

I pushed all thoughts of my new life to the furthest part of my mind and focused on every step I took. I slowed my breathing down and listened out for anyone approaching. The garage was empty, and I knew I had about another hour before security came down to do their sweep.

I used to steal cars from Aridole. One thing I learned early on was never to steal close to home. The potential to be identified skyrocketed. It wasn’t worth it, not even when I had to catch multiple buses and spend days out on unknown streets.

A bitch had to do what she had to do. I blew out a breath as I approached the car. The security system on the model was top-notch, and the moment I realized what I was working with, a thrill shuddered through me. I stifled the moan that nearly slipped out and pulled out my tools.

My hands were steady as I lost myself to unlocking the car without being caught. Every move I made was meticulous and timed. It was a fucking art. They really should have a sport for stealing cars. I bet I could become an Olympian.

As I bypassed the first alarm, I quickly worked on the second. I didn’t need to check the time to know I was cutting it close. Sweat dripped down the back of my neck, making the fine hairs cling to my skin. Every sound around me felt magnified as I worked as quickly as possible. My blood was rushing, and the moment the door unlocked, I let out a pent-up moan.

I slipped into the car and groaned at the plush leather that met me. A quick sweep let me know the owner didn’t have anything else for me to disarm. A twinge of disappointment dragged a sigh out of me.

“Next time.” I shook my head and caught the flushed look on my face in the rearview mirror. Fuck, there was something wrong with me. Who got a rush out of something like this?

I couldn’t wipe the goofy smile off my face. Giving into the high, I pulled out the small device I needed to break into the car’s system. The great thing about all the latest cars was they worked on a system that could be hacked.

My fingers flew over the small keypad, typing in the codes I’d set before I sat it down, letting it do its job. I checked the rest of the car out and found a purse. I checked the contents while keeping an eye out for anyone coming my way. Two hundred extra dollars and a bunch of credit cards I couldn’t do anything with.

A single beep, and I let out the pent-up sigh. I hit the power button, and the engine roared to life. I was out of the parking structure and on the road the next second. On the way to the garage, where I took all my stolen cars, I tossed the red scarf halfway through the drive.

The drive I spent in silence, enjoying the euphoria that blanketed me when I successfully stole something. I made sure to drive the speed limit and use all my signals. The number one rule was never to break the law while breaking the law. I lived by it.

I pulled into the garage, the lights blinding me as I hopped out of the luxury vehicle.

“Nice catch,” MJ said. It was a simple praise, but coming from him, it always made warmth spread through my chest.

Stupid heart, calm down.

He looked over the car and gestured for me to follow him. “This one is going to be broken down. There is some custom work we can’t use, but most of it’s good. Here you go.”

I took the money, counting like normal and let out a sigh. “You had time to check mine over?”

MJ nodded, handing me back my keys. He sat down in the old leather desk chair. It was being held up by duct tape and a prayer. “Two separate tracking devices before it was delivered here. We went over it again and found nothing else. The engine is a beauty. Sure you don’t want to sell it?”

Mother fucker. “Trackers, what did you do with them?” I ignored the question about selling it. Probably the wise choice. I’d be able to pay off the debt that much faster, but I really liked that damn car.

MJ lifted his arms and stretched, showing off all his glorious muscles, and my brain short-circuited for a second. It should be a crime to be that hot. He scratched his buzz-cut blond hair, an artful design shaved into the side. It was different every single time I came to see him.

“Should’ve destroyed ‘em.” He opened a drawer and passed over two small devices.

Tags: Brea Lykos Romance