Page 79 of Claiming His Kiss

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He turned his attention back to breakfast and waited for Bradley’s response. It took a while, but when it came, the sound of utter horror shocked him. “You’ve fallen in love with her.”

Bradley was the second person to say that to him and as with the first, Daniel didn’t contradict him.

Neither man said a word to each other as Daniel finished cooking. He went to get some plates out of the cabinet. “Are you eating?” he asked Bradley.


Daniel removed three plates from the cabinet and divided the omelet. He carried his and Ali’s plates to the table. “Help yourself. You know where the silverware is. I’m going to check on Ali.”

She'd been gone for a while. Ali wasn’t a big hair and makeup person. It usually didn’t take her that long to get ready in the morning unless she was taking a shower.

He found her in her room, fully dressed, sitting on the edge of her bed. “Hey.”

Ali glanced up. “Hey.”

It was then he noticed her bag and suitcase were sitting beside her. “What’s this?”

“I don’t want to cause tension between you and your son. If he’s here to visit with you, then maybe I should leave you two alone.”

The thought of her leaving sent a pain stabbing his chest. He took her hands and pulled her onto her feet. “I made us all omelets.”

“I’m sure you and Bradley can finish it all.” She smiled up at him, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Your omelets are really good and I know how much you can eat.”

He gave her side a little pinch at her sass. “While that may be true, I don’t want you to go.”

Not giving her time to protest, he covered her mouth with his and put everything he was feeling into the kiss. She skimmed her hands up his chest to tangle in his hair. His need for her, even now when he knew his son was down the hall, had him considering how long it would take him to get her naked.

Her belly growled, and they separated with a laugh. “See, even your stomach wants you to stay.”

She nodded and he led her out of her room before she could change her mind.

When they entered the kitchen area, Bradley sat at the table, waiting for them. Each plate had a knife and fork beside it, along with a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. A part of him was pleased. The other part questioned his son’s motives.

Daniel pulled out the chair across from his son for Ali and waited for her to sit before taking his own seat. He took his first two bites in blissful silence before Bradley picked up the conversation. “James says you’re an executive assistant.”

Ali swallowed before answering. “Yes, I am.”

“Where do you work?”

She glanced at Daniel, then at Bradley. “At the hospital. I work under the senior vice president of marketing.”

“That’s impressive. How long have you worked there?”

“About three years,” Ali said.

Bradley nodded. “Did you grow up around St. Louis?”

Daniel didn’t miss that Bradley was interrogating Ali. While he understood it to a certain extent, he also knew his son.

“I moved here with my grandmother when I was ten.” Ali glanced over at Daniel, then back at Bradley. “Before that, we lived in Kentucky.”

“Did you lose your parents?” Bradley asked.

Ali shook her head. “No. I’ve only seen a picture of my dad. I’ve never met him. And my mom? Let’s just say she wasn’t ready to be a mother.”

He could see the wheels turning in Bradley’s head and he didn’t like it. “What are your plans for the day?” Daniel asked his son.

“I haven’t decided.” Bradley looked at Ali. “What were your plans for the day?”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic