Page 78 of Claiming His Kiss

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Halfway across the room, a voice drifted across the room, loud and clear. “Is that her?”

Ali looked up to see a man she didn’t know striding toward her. He had light brown hair and looked to be in his mid-twenties. His gaze never left hers as he closed the distance between them. Daniel was right behind him. Side by side, there was no doubt these two were related. As the younger man grew closer, she saw more of Daniel in his features. While he wasn’t the spitting image of his father, Bradley Ross was still his father’s son.

Bradley stopped a few feet away from her. He took in her appearance. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know she’d come from Daniel’s bed. Not exactly the greatest first impression.

Daniel pushed past his son and came to stand at her side. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

Her look of concern must have shown on her face. He opened his mouth to say something, but Bradley spoke first. “You must be Ali.”

Trying to put on a brave face, she met the other man’s gaze. “Hi.”

The younger man didn’t say anything, just continued to watch her.

Daniel frowned. “Ali, this is my oldest son, Bradley. He decided to come for an unannounced visit.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Bradley.” Then she turned to Daniel. “If you’d both excuse me, I need to get dressed.”

She backed away and hurried down the hall toward her room.

“Where’s she going?” Bradley asked.

“To her room.”

There was a long pause. “She lives here?”

Ali didn’t wait to hear Daniel’s response. She grabbed clean clothes, ran into the bathroom, and locked the door. She needed a few minutes alone.

* * *

Daniel went to the drawer and grabbed a skillet. “She’s staying here, yes.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?”

In the short time Ali had been living in his house, they’d settled into a comfortable routine. He loved knowing she was there, sharing his space. He’d become accustomed to her being there, seeing her smiling face across from the table, or how she curled up on his couch at night, getting lost in her television shows.

So no, it probably wasn’t a good idea for her to still be living there. Not for his long-term mental health. But he wasn’t going to share that with his son.

Placing the skillet on the stove, he went to the refrigerator to get the ingredients he’d need for omelets.



Bradley gave his dad a frustrated look before plopping down on one of the barstools. “I asked if you think this is a good idea. Her living with you. James said you’ve only been together two weeks.”

“Son, this is my house.”

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

The sausages hit the pan with a sizzle. After spreading them out in the pan, he reached for the onion and began slicing it. “It’s all the answer you’re going to get.”

This time, Bradley let out an audible groan. “She’s like twenty-five.”

Daniel stopped cutting the onion and released a steadying breath. He was trying to be patient. “She’s thirty-two.”

“That’s still a huge age difference, Dad. Couldn’t you find someone your own age?”

Daniel fixed his son with a look he’d used often on his children when they were younger. “Let’s get one thing straight right now. It is none of your business who I date. Ali and I are both consenting adults and what we do is none of your business. Nor is it Cassie’s or James’s. You’re my children, and I love you, but you do not get to dictate my love life. Do you understand me?”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic