Page 68 of Claiming His Kiss

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Daniel shook his head. “She used to be active in the lifestyle several years go.”

“May have been before my time.”

Brandon moved toward them as he wiped down the bar.

“You may want to ask Brandon. He may remember her.”

Brandon perked up at hearing his name.

Daniel figured it wouldn’t hurt. While Logan had texted him to explain he and Lily were going to have to pass on the invitation, he’d asked Daniel if he’d be willing to help a friend of his. “Do you know a Sarah Evans? She used to be active in the lifestyle several years ago.”

The bartender stopped what he was doing. Daniel could see the wheels turning in his head. “I do recall a Sarah, but I don’t remember her last name. Do you know anything about her?”

“No. Just that I’ve been asked if I could help her get back into the lifestyle again.”

Brandon nodded. “Dominant or submissive?”


“Could be the same one.” Brandon began wiping the bar again. “Besides, we can always use more subs around here.”

Katrina rolled her eyes. “If you decide to reach out to her and she’s interested in joining the club, let me know.”

Cooper made his way downstairs, putting a rope across the stairs to let people know the playrooms were now closed. Daniel glanced at the couch to find only the two Doms, both with very pleased smiles on their faces.

The club’s dungeon monitor strolled over to where he and Katrina were sitting. “Do you have a moment?”

The tone in Cooper’s voice said it all. There’d been an issue tonight. It was hard to say if it was big or small, but either way Katrina would want to know about it.

Katrina stood and handed her drink to Brandon. “Have a good evening, gentlemen.”

The three submissives who’d been involved in the couch scene walked out of the locker room in their street clothes. As the group exited the club, Daniel downed the last of his water.

“Waiting on Ali?” Brandon asked.


The bartender smiled but didn’t comment.

Ali walked into the club two minutes later. She found Daniel sitting at the bar and came directly to him. “I need to change and get my things, Sir.”

He ran a finger down the front of her dress, tracing the outline of the material covering her breasts. Her outfit covered too much, in his opinion, but that didn’t mean she didn’t look sexy as hell in it. “Go get your things, but don’t bother changing.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Brandon had disappeared into the back, leaving him alone in the club. This wasn’t the first time he’d stayed late to wait on Ali. The only difference was this time she was going home with him.

It didn’t take long for Ali to get her bag from her locker and make her way back to him. He helped her into her jacket and placed a hand at her back as they walked to his vehicle.

Her eyes began to close as he veered onto the highway leading out of town. She’d had a long day, but it wasn’t over yet. He’d let her sleep on the drive home, then he was going to have fun getting her out of that dress.


Ali stretched,glancing over at the empty space next to her. She was in Daniel’s bed as she’d been every night for over a week.

His side of the bed was cold, which meant he’d been up for a while. Shifting to look at the clock, her heart skipped a beat. It was after eight. They were supposed to meet his ex-wife and her new husband in less than two hours.

As if he knew she was awake, Daniel strolled into the room. His hair was still wet from his shower, and he was dressed in jeans and a black button-down shirt.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic