Page 67 of Claiming His Kiss

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Katrina stood and placed a hand on Ali’s arm as Beth entered the foyer. “If you need someone to talk to, I’m always here to listen.”

“Thank you.”

Making her way to the door leading to the club, Katrina swiped her card. “Good evening, Lady Beth.”

“Good evening, Mistress Katrina.” Beth was alone tonight, which meant Drew was working. He had a crazy schedule as a captain with the St. Louis Fire Department and Ali could never keep track of when he was working and when he wasn’t.

Beth handed Ali her jacket and purse, along with her membership card, as Katrina disappeared into the club.

Ali moved without thinking, hanging Beth’s jacket up and placing her purse into one of the secured lockers. She entered Beth’s card, then handed it back to her.

“Everything okay?” Beth asked.

“Yeah. I’m good.” And she was. Sort of. But she couldn’t get her mind off Shara talking to Daniel. He said he wouldn’t play with anyone else, and she trusted him. She trusted him more than she’d trusted any other man. But that didn’t stop her from wanting to be inside the club, staking her claim. She’d never felt that way before.

* * *

Daniel spent most of the evening hanging out with friends. Two submissives he’d played with previously had approached him, asking to play, and he’d turned them down.

In the past, he avoided playing with submissives when Ali was around. He’d wait until she was working the front desk. The club’s submissives soon figured out not to come to him asking to play if Ali was around.

With Ali working the lobby tonight, some of the subsmissives figured he was still available. Apparently, his and Ali’s scene the night before hadn’t been a big enough signal things had changed.

He glanced at the clock. Eleven thirty. He still had another thirty minutes to go before Ali was finished with her shift and he could take her home.

Katrina ambled toward him.

He tipped his head up in greeting.

“I heard you had quite the night.”

Daniel frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Breaking hearts left and right.” She turned to Brandon. “A Jack and Coke, please, Brandon.”

“I’m not aware of any broken hearts,” Daniel said before taking a swig of his water.

Katrina chuckled. “I’m told you made it clear tonight that you’re off the market for the foreseeable future. There are a lot of disappointed subs.”

“They’ll get over it. There are other available Doms.”

She smirked. “True.”

Brandon set the Jack and Coke down in front of Katrina and she took a sip.

The club had cleared out, leaving only a handful of members on the main floor. He and Katrina sat in silence, watching the group across the room. There were two couples and a submissive who, to his knowledge, was unattached to a Dom. The vibe coming off the group gave him an indication of what was coming.

Sure enough, less than two minutes later, the unattached submissive had a Dom sitting on either side of her. One had his tongue down her throat while he played with her breast and the other had a hand up her dress. The other two other submissives kneeled in front of their Doms, taking their cocks into their mouths.

It was rare to see a group scene like this on the main floor of the club, but given they were the only ones left besides Daniel and the club staff, it wasn’t as public as it could have been.

As Daniel continued to watch the scene, his need for Ali grew. He wanted to sink his cock into her again. Heaven help him, he need to come in her again.

Hearing her say she liked his cum inside her earlier had done something to him. He wanted that. He wanted to mark her as his. His woman.

Needing a distraction, he tore his attention away from the action on the couch. “Do you know a Sarah Evans?”

His question seemed to take Katrina off guard. “I don’t think so. Why? Should I know her?”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic