Page 40 of Claiming His Kiss

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As she stepped into the shower, Ali couldn’t believe how much had changed in the last twelve hours. To think she’d been ready to sit down and have dinner with Daniel as nothing more than friends last night, and now she’d spent a night in his bed, and he’d agreed to be her Dom.

Ali rinsed the conditioner from her hair, unable to wipe the smile from her face. She couldn’t wait to see what would happen tonight when they attended the fundraiser. And then, her mind went to Friday when they’d be at the club where she’d make her first appearance as Daniel’s submissive. It was certainly going to be an interesting couple of days.

* * *

Daniel found himself grinning at random times throughout the day for no apparent reason. He and Ali had eaten breakfast together that morning, and then he’d walked her to her car and kissed her goodbye. The way she’d looked at him as she slid behind the wheel of her car had heat spreading through his chest. He’d wanted to drag her back to his bed and keep her there.

At three o’clock, he said goodbye to Kevin and drove to the cleaners to pick up his tux before heading home. Daniel spent some extra time shaving, making sure there were no stray hairs poking out behind his ears or anything. He’d been to plenty of these types of functions over the years, but tonight he wanted to make an extra effort for Ali.

Tugging his jacket into place, he checked his reflection in the mirror and adjusted his bowtie. It liked to tilt to the left for some reason.

Once it was as straight as it was going to get, he tucked his wallet into his pocket and grabbed his keys. Ali would be getting off work right about now and heading to her apartment. He still couldn’t believe the noise her neighbors had made when they were there the evening before. It was no wonder she hadn’t been able to sleep.

The drive into the city wasn’t bad until he reached the outer belt. It was five thirty and everyone was trying to make their way home. He kept glancing at the clock as the traffic inched forward.

Twenty minutes later, he reached the exit he needed to take and breathed a sigh of relief when traffic was moving at a normal pace. He turned into Ali’s apartment complex at six thirty on the dot. As long as they didn’t run into any more traffic, they should have no trouble arriving at the hotel before seven.

He strolled up to her door and knocked. A minute later, it swung open to reveal a semi put together Ali. He’d expected her to be ready, but she seemed flustered. “What’s wrong?” he asked, stepping inside.

“Nothing. I’m just running a little behind. I didn’t get out of work until five fifteen.” She rushed down the hall toward her room, leaving him standing in her small foyer. “I need another five minutes.”

Seven minutes later, she reappeared, her hair pinned up with little curls framing her face and sparkly earrings dangling from her ears. She stopped in front of him and released a loud breath. “I think I’m ready.”

Daniel looked down at her flushed cheeks and the way her chest was rising and falling against the fabric of her dress. “Breathe.”

She did—her shoulders rising and falling with the exaggerated movements.

“Good girl. Now, where’s your coat?” Her long red dress left her arms bare, meaning she would need a covering. The weather was warming, but the nights were still chilly.

“The back of the couch.”

He crossed to the couch and picked up the black dress coat draped over the back. When he returned to her, she turned her back to him and allowed him to help her put it on. He pulled her against him and kissed the top of her hair. “You look beautiful.”

She gathered the coat in front of her, tying it at the waist. “Thank you.”

Daniel weaved his way through traffic to the hotel. The place was hopping, but that was to be expected when there was a big event like this. He pulled up to the front and stepped out as the valet handed him a ticket. “Good evening, Sir. Are you here for the event?”


The valet nodded and took his keys.

Making his way to the other side of the SUV, Daniel opened Ali’s door and helped her out. She placed her hand in his and he wrapped his fingers around her palm. He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her, but he controlled himself. “Ready?” he asked, tucking her arm in his.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

They made their way into the hotel and toward the elevator that would take them to the ballroom. There was a line, so they had to wait their turn. “Thank you for coming with me tonight.”

“I would do anything for you. I hope you know that.”

Ali met his gaze, but before she could respond, the doors opened, and it was their turn to step inside.

They rode the elevator up with four other couples, all dressed in ball gowns and tuxes. The doors opened and everyone exited into the large open area full of people.

Daniel scanned the room to see if there was anyone he recognized and was shocked to see a familiar face he wasn’t expecting. Or a somewhat familiar face. One he hadn’t expected to see in St. Louis.

The other man didn’t notice him, so he refocused on the woman at his side. She was looking at him. “Everything all right?”

He gave her arm a squeeze. “Of course.”

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic