Page 39 of Claiming His Kiss

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Soft, warm pressure along her back, and then a hand snaking around her waist brought last night back to her. Daniel.

“Good morning,” he whispered in her ear.

She hummed. “Morning. What time is it?”

“A little after five.” He slid his hand up to her breast and began kneading it with his fingers. “You didn’t move at all last night. I must have worn you out.”

Ali arched her breast into his hand. “Yes, Sir.”

He scraped her earlobe with his teeth, and she felt it low in her stomach. “How much time do you need to get ready for work?”

His hand had abandoned her breast and was now making its way down her body to the junction between her legs. She opened her thighs, giving him full access to her. “About forty minutes, Sir.”

“That means I have thirty minutes to make you scream.”

Then his hand was gone, and she felt something circle her wrists. She opened her eyes to see him attaching cuffs. The bed dipped again as he lifted her hands above her and attached the cuffs to something on the bed she couldn’t see.

She met his gaze as he hovered over her. Daniel hadn’t turned on the lights, so his body was mostly in shadow. He lowered his head to her neck while his hands went to work on her breasts. But unlike the night before, everything was featherlight—his touch—his kisses.

It was torture. Ali wanted to touch him, but he seemed content to keep her tethered to his headboard.

He worked his way down her torso, lingering at her stomach. His tongue traced a line from her belly button to the crease of her hip before licking his way back up. Then he repeated it on the other side.

She was trying very hard not to move, but it was proving impossible. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth to get her body to obey. He hadn’t told her not to move, but she thought it was implied given he’d secured her hands. Then again, maybe he was only attempting to prevent her nails from causing more damage to his flesh.

Her hips lifted off the bed of their own accord as he drew near her clit, and he chuckled. “Patience. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

Ali closed her eyes and blew out what she hoped was a steadying breath. Her sex pulsed when he rested her legs on his shoulders and spread her lips.

“Are you sore this morning?” he asked.

He’d fucked her hard the night before and she wouldn’t lie and say she was fine. She was feeling it this morning, but it was a good soreness. “A little, Sir.”

She felt his tongue move along her folds, almost massaging her sensitive flesh. It felt good and somewhat relaxing, even though it had her pussy desperately wanting more.

As he continued to lick her, he positioned his thumb on her clit and began applying pressure. It was light at first and she raised her hips, seeking more.

Daniel gave her more, but not in the way she wanted. He dipped his tongue into her pussy, running it along her opening before easing up and placing a kiss on her clit.

After he repeated this action several times, she thought she was going to go insane. Her blood was pumping in her ears and her sex was swollen and hot. She had no idea how long he’d been between her legs, and he seemed in no rush.

Ali was about to begin begging, wondering if that was what he was waiting for, when he sucked her clit into his mouth and began sucking hard. She let out a scream and arched her back, digging her heels into his already abused back.

But he didn’t let up. If anything, he increased the suction, which she didn’t think was possible. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure, and after everything else he’d done, she couldn’t hold on anymore. A loud wail erupted from her lips as her orgasm took control of her body.

He didn’t stop until the last shudder rippled through her. Then he pushed himself up the length of her and released her wrists. Her arms fell limply on the bed. She didn’t feel like she had any bones in her body anymore. He’d sucked them all out.

His mouth found hers and gave her a long, lingering kiss. Ali could smell herself on him, blocking out her concern about morning breath. He coaxed her mouth open with his tongue and filled her mouth with the taste of her sex. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back, letting her tongue tangle with his.

Then, he removed his lips and pushed himself off her. “As much as I’d love to spend the rest of the morning lying in bed with you, we both have work.”

Ali groaned. Work. The last thing she wanted to think about was dealing with her boss when she was still floating on her orgasm cloud.

Daniel noticed her reaction and bent to give her another quick kiss. It was only then she realized he was fully dressed. The only thing he was missing was his tie and jacket. “Grab a shower and get dressed while I prepare breakfast.”

He didn’t give her a chance to respond before striding out of the bedroom. She propped herself on one arm, watching him leave before forcing herself to get out of the comfy bed. Daniel’s comfy bed.

Gathering up her clothes from the night before, she made her way into the main area of the house, passing Daniel in the kitchen on her way to her room. She didn’t miss how he stopped working and watched her until she disappeared down the hall.

Tags: Sherri Hayes Erotic