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“I know an auntie that was like that not too long ago, too. Shockingly, I think I said the exact same thing as well. Who knew I would be right?” I stand and grab Clairabella’s crown from my head before saying, “I’m the queen bee, huh?”

“Yeah, yeah. Hush you.” I see the tilt of Lyla’s lips as she smiles.

“What about Noah? Is he sleeping through the night now? I know you said he was having sleep regression?” I ask Presley.

“Yes, finally. I thought that was going to be the longest time of our life. Okay, you know how much I love Noah, but if this is anything to go by, I think Lincoln and I are both in agreement that one child might be enough for us.” Presley takes a healthy gulp from her glass of wine.

“Well, we’re all still young. I wouldn’t say no to it right away. Hell, even I would love another little one running around the house. Of course, having a man in your life might help with that little aspect. At least, conception wise.” We all laugh with that comment.

Then Lyla, being her usual self, says, “You have a hottie with a body outside your door. Sure, he’s been a giant pain in the booty, but girl, let me tell you from his voice alone, I wouldn’t be saying goodbye to him just yet.”

“Do you not realize why I finally quit? He was ruining my life. I do not like him. No way, no how!”

“So, you’re telling us that if he didn’t grovel, and I do mean really grovel, and change his ways at work, you still wouldn’t like him?” Presley presses.

“No. Not only no, but H-E-L-L no.” When Claira is home, I swear if we aren’t careful, she’ll have our whole check for the swear jar alone.

“Pshhh, yeah freaking right. Listen, we are your best friends. We got a good look at him, and he is sizzling hot fine. Right up there with Lincoln. But don’t tell him that. With all that natural tan skin, the accent he has going on, and the way he fills out that three-piece suit, I’m going to call you on that lie. I love you, but you can’t lie to us,” Presley calls me out on my shit.

“Fine, he’s hot, but he’s also made all of our lives miserable for two years. His blue eyes are killer enough, and when he smiles, dear sweet baby Jesus, he could melt panties. Still, Jamie Rodriquez is not a man that will change. Therefore, he can grovel all he wants, but I still can’t and won’t go back to work for him.” I cross my arms over my chest, Presley and Lyla look at me with their eyebrows raised.

“Shit, now I look like Claira,” I grumble.

“You owe the swear jar, and so does Mr. Jamie,” Clairabella calls out from the living room.

“Geesh, her hearing is impeccable,” Lyla says as I put my dollar bill in the swear jar.

“Don’t we all know it, but can we drop the Jamie topic, at least for now?”

“Sure, but we’ll be coming back to it, especially because he’s sitting outside on your front porch right now. He’s not even staring at his phone,” Presley states.

“What? Why?”

“That’s a good question. Maybe you should go ask him yourself. I just texted Colt, so he’s on his way to pick us up. I’ll get Bella ready for bed. I love our tres Amigas time but this woman needs her man.” Lyla saunters off. I should be fighting her to get Claira ready for bed. Then again, these girls have helped her become the amazing girl she is.

“Zip it. The only thing we are going to discuss is what job I’m looking for next.” I do the close your lips and throw away the key mimic like we all did at one point in our life, and it puts us in a fit of giggles.

“I’m not going to say anything except this. Maybe he didn’t realize what a gift you are until you stood up for yourself. It’s not like you’ve confronted him before. Men like that, where they eat, live, and sleep work, they function on nothing but the next big case. I’m not saying it’s okay, but he may have needed this as a wakeup call. I’d at least give him a chance to explain his thoughts before you write him off completely.” Presley comes around the kitchen bar, enveloping me in her arms.

“I know you’re right. I’m just scared, but I will think about it. Now, let’s go get Bella Bug ready for bed before Colt gets here to whisk you all away.”

“How many stories do you think she’ll get out of us tonight?” Pres asks.

“I’d say at least three, at the very least; although she may pass out before the second is even finished. Mom and Dad had her busy planting new flowers today.”

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic