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“Do you care?”

“Not even a little bit.” Claira wiggles beside me, and that’s how our family finds the three of us, on the ground, basking in this joyous memory we’re creating.



One Year Later

The past year has been more than I could ever describe. Jamie and I were married with our families surrounding us on a beautiful sun-shining day. Claira stole the show, but we knew that would happen. Two months after we said our vows, making us husband and wife, we found out I was pregnant. That’s when everything really started to tumble down the proverbial rabbit hole. I was a hormonal mess, and we were practically living on top of each other at home. It was a huge learning curve, and I realized all too fast, the thought of living through a home renovation while pregnant was not going to happen.

I hated to leave the only home Clairabella ever knew, but our hands were tied. We could only go out with an addition, and it would take away from the backyard. Jamie tried everything he could think of, trying to ease my mind. I finally put my foot down, coming to the realization we needed to find somewhere else to live.

I’m not sure how we managed to get married, sell Jamie’s condo, get pregnant, find a home within reach of everyone we know and love, sell my house, and give birth to the bundle of joy in my arms.

“Daddy,” I hear Claira say while I’m nursing our baby boy in the nursery. We barely had the house furnished and were completely moved in by the time I went into labor.

“Yes, mi Princessa,” Jamie says, walking down the hall to her bedroom. We asked if she wanted things changed from our old house to this one, but she shook her head, her hand on her hip. She meant business. I bet she’s going to get him to either play baby dolls or see if she can lure him into buying her more books for the empty spots on her bookshelf.

When Leo unlatches, I fix my shirt then move him up onto my shoulder to burp him. He looks so much like Jamie; he’s like his spitting image. It works out that Claira looks like me and Leo looks like his father. I walk the two of us toward the bedroom where the other two pieces of my soul are.

“You can’t tell Mommy, but yes, we’ll go get ice cream tonight, even though it’s a school night. But you have to pinky promise not to be cranky in the morning when we wake you up for school,” Jamie tells her while their pinkies are connected. I back away, heading toward the kitchen to make myself a glass of ice water, smiling the whole way. The two of them are thick as thieves, always getting into mischief.

I grab my phone, texting the girls the latest development after I place Leo in the bassinet we keep in our main living area.

Me: Clairabella has officially wrapped him around her fingers. They’re talking ice cream… on a school night. Who does that sound like?

It doesn’t take long until my phone pings with a new message alert.

Presley: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Lincoln and I are the epitome of innocence.

Lyla: Yeah, right, and I’m the Pope. That didn’t take long. I guarantee you that’s been happening for a lot longer than you thought.

Me: Don’t I know it. What are you guys up to this weekend? Want to do a bar-b-que at our place?

Lyla: I’m game. I want to float my ginormous ass in the pool for as long as possible.

Presley: Better you than me. We’ll be there.

Me: Yes! Love you, girls.

Lyla: Right back at ‘cha!

Presley: Love you girls more!

I shake my head, put my phone down, and go find the two stinkers. I walk into Claira’s bedroom, and sure enough, Jamie is on the ground brushing out her doll’s hair.

“Hey, you two. Did I hear you were getting ice cream without me?” I’m trying to keep a smile off of my face, but I can’t hold it in.

“Ah, man, we’re so busted, Daddy.” She crosses her arms over her chest, pouting.

“We are, but I bet your mom will be the one that gets the biggest ice cream.” Jamie laughs. I go and sit beside them. Jamie wraps his arm around me, and I sink into his warmth.

“I will not,” I say with a yawn. Leo has been up a lot during the middle of the night.

“Why don’t you go lie down? I’ll watch over the munchkins,” Jamie suggests.

“Want me to bring Leo to you first? Because a nap is just what I need. Oh, I invited everyone over this weekend for a get-together. We all could use some rest and relaxation with them.”

“I’ll go grab him. You get into bed. If he wakes up, I’ll thaw out some of the milk or wake you.” He kisses my forehead.

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic