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“I could never spoil the two of you too much. You’re both the center of my universe. This is just the beginning, Callie,” he states firmly, leaving me speechless yet again.

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, and follow him to the backyard. Jamie’s in a pair of swim trunks that are bright with splashes of flowers throughout them. On one of our outings, Claira told him she liked them, so he bought them. My little girl has him wrapped around her finger.

“Hey, girl! Hey!” I hear come from the front door, and with that saying alone, I know it’s Lyla.

“Hey! In the kitchen. Bring me my niece!” I respond back. Marriage and children look good on her. I wash my hands and am ready and waiting for Brentley’s cute baby face.

“What in the hell is in the backyard?” She stops in her tracks, Colt beside her holding their daughter.

“Jamie bought a pool for Claira. He didn’t tell me it would be big enough for all of us to join in and have a pirate ship type theme.” I roll my eyes in exasperation, but I’m smiling while I’m doing it.

“I told you,” Lyla says.

“Hey, Callie, I’m going to see if Jamie needs help,” Colt says, giving me a one-sided hug. He hands me Brentley before heading out back.

“I know, I know. What can I say? I’m stubborn.”

“Did I hear that right? Callie is admitting to being stubborn?” Presley comes in from around the corner.

“Yes.” I stomp my foot, similar to what Claira does when she gets up in arms.

“I’m going to faint. You know we love you, but I’m glad you’re with Jamie. For you to have all of that animosity built up for so long, I knew there was something building for you not to like him.” Presley shrugs her shoulders, ignoring me, and walks right to the chips and salsa.

“I know, and you’re right, but dude! Where’s my hug? You’d just abandon me for food? Are you pregnant?” I ask, and the look on her face morphs into shock.

“Fuck, you so are, Presley!” Lyla squeals.

“How did you even know?” Presley questions as Lyla and I hug her. The three of us wrap up together.

“You’re devouring chips and salsa like it’s your last meal. You did the exact same thing with Noah anytime it was around,” I respond.

Lincoln comes into the room, Noah squirming in his hands to get down to walk. “Why are you girls crying?” He takes us in. I didn’t even notice we were.

“The cat’s out of the bag, babe. Callie knew.” She shrugs.

“It wasn’t like we wanted to keep it a secret. I’m glad they know. You need them, especially now.”

“Lincoln, I’m pregnant, not an invalid!” Presley states.

“That’s my cue to be with the menfolk. We’ll take the kids. You three have a nice chat.” He scoops Brentley out of my arms, Noah finds his father’s hand, and off they go.

“Does anyone want to move this to the back porch and watch said menfolk work? Because I really want to admire Jamie without a shirt.” I wiggle my eyebrows, and we all laugh as we make our way to the backyard.

We sit on the new patio furniture that Jamie helped me put together. Not only that, but my flower beds were horrible looking. He shocked the hell out of me when he came over a couple of weeks ago and dug right in with Claira and me to spruce them up.

“This looks amazing, Callie,” Lyla says.

“Thank you. It’s finally all coming together. I just need to work on a few more things, and then I’ll be completely done. It only took what, five years?”

“It’s worth it though,” Presley joins in. We watch as the men get in the water with the kids. Colt has Brentley in his arms as he sits in the small kiddie pool area, and Lincoln has Noah using the water gun that’s attached at the bottom of the slide, pointing it at Jamie and Claira. I never thought I’d be here, surrounded by family, my daughter, and a man that lives and breathes for us. It makes me realize I’m completely and utterly in love with Jamie.

It brings a smile to my face. I take my shorts and tank top off, wanting to join in the fun. “You girls want to beat the boys?”

“Heck yes,” Presley says, whipping her dress off. She’s wearing a one-piece bathing suit that is black with lace detailing.

“I’m in. Colt deserves it after leaving me on edge this morning.” I laugh as we head toward the chaos.



Our day went by fast, and before I knew it, everyone was tired, their bellies were full, and they were ready to head home. Claira decided to go home with Lyla. Apparently, Colt promised to take her to the shop and work on paint colors tomorrow, which means tonight I’ll have time with Callie. We’ve snuck around when Claira was asleep, always having to be careful and quiet, but tonight that won’t be the case.

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic