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“Hmm, I have to admire you for that, but Callie, not a lot of women wouldn’t put their foot down and set boundaries.” Jamie hums, and I stand with my hand on my hip.

“Thank you. I don’t want her to get attached to someone and them walk out of her life. Her father did that without even a second glance when she was born. Thank goodness she has never felt it, and I was able to make up for his shortcomings, but I can’t allow that to happen to her now at this age. So, while she may meet you given our new work schedule, you’re strictly my boss,” I state more to myself than to Jamie. The thing is, the more I come to learn about him, the more I seem to genuinely like him. Something that could be really bad.

“I understand that. If I get the chance to meet her, I promise it will be just as your boss,” he says, but he murmurs under his breath afterward.

“Thank you. I appreciate that a lot. So, I’m good to start next week. Well, the following Monday since it would be a Friday and make no sense to start up again?” I ask.

“That works. Mom and I may call or text if we have questions. You have to promise me that, if I’m becoming a dick again, you’ll put me in my place. Believe me, Callie, I don’t want to run or ruin your life with work. It was a big wake up call.” Jamie comes around the bar top, doing something completely out of character. His finger traces the column of my neck, and his thumb goes to my pulse point, which is rapidly beating like a staccato to the fastest-paced merengue.

“I’ll see you soon, and probably talk to you sooner. My mother is great and all, but she’s no Callie.” His fingers leave my neck, and I’m left standing in the kitchen, my mouth hanging wide open, asking myself what the hell just happened.

“Uh… okay. See you later.” I wave like a loser as he walks toward the front door.

“Lock the door behind me,” he tosses over his shoulder, walking out the front door. I get my rear in gear, locking the front door, then turn around and slide down on my butt, trying to put two and two together before I get started on working around the house. I only have a limited amount of time before it’s time to pick up Claira from school.

“Get it together, Callie. This means nothing. It can’t possibly mean more than him being friendly,” I say out loud, fisting my hands in my hair. I should probably text the girls and let them know what happened, but I’m still having a hard time figuring it out myself.

With that thought in mind, I get up to go about my day.



The curve ball I threw at Callie, I threw it at myself, too. Standing in her kitchen, while she is laying down the law with her daughter, protecting her with every ounce of her being—I felt it deep in my bones. She’s the type of woman you settle down with, marry, and have a couple more kids to go with Clairabella. She’s an extension of Callie, and from what I’ve seen so far, a smart little girl much like her Mom.

I walk into the office with a smile on my face, one that mi Madre notices immediately.

“Hello, Jamie. I take it from that smile on your face that things went well?” she asks. I bend down to kiss her on her cheek, she kisses mine, and then I straighten to my full height.

“Yeah, Ma, they did, and much smoother than I thought. Of course, she’s taking the week off. Can you help me a bit longer? I have Callie’s number if you need help.”

“Oh, my poor son. I’ve had her number all along. She and Clairabella frequent the boutique,” she says with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Gee, Mom. Thanks for the heads up. It could have saved me a lot of trouble if you’d just given me the details.” I pinch the bridge of my nose; I swear if I keep doing that, my nose will be permanently bruised.

“Too bad. You screw up; you fix it. Not me. Now, please, tell me everything.” She places her elbows on her desk, waiting, and I do as she says. Hell, she would wring my neck if I didn’t. I even tell her about the swear jar Clairabella got me for. She erupts in a fit of giggles.

“It was definitely nice to see so many rallying around Callie and her daughter. I should have felt like an interloper, but I didn’t. They all gave me words of advice, and then Callie herself took my apology while thanking me. I couldn’t believe it.” I shake my head in disbelief, still.

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic