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I’m doing it. I’m actually freaking doing it. I landed this job after having Clairabella, and I’ve stuck with it for damn near six years, but I just can’t take it anymore. I’ve always kept work separate from my home life, but almost missing out on my daughter’s recital was the final straw. I typed up my resignation letter, banging on the keyboard harder than is necessary.

I took this job under the presumption of being an Administrative Assistant. Don’t get me wrong; I started from the bottom and worked my way up to where I am today. In the past two years, though, I’ve been at my boiling point with Mr. Rodriquez.

It could be his authoritative voice or the way, when he’s working, he’s so involved. While it may be for the greater good of helping others, he’s quite simply a dick of all major dicks. No, he’s not only that; he’s a raging bull in a China shop if you’re in his way.

My work email going off doesn’t deter me. I put the finishing touches on my resignation letter, print it off, and sign my name. Then I do what I should have done two years ago. Clairabella deserves more than her mom working so much, and I hate that my child is being shuffled between my parents’ house, Presley, Lyla’s and my own. I’m done with it. I want to be home to help her with homework, cook a real honest to goodness dinner, and to always be able to tuck my little girl into bed.

“Callie,” Mr. Rodriquez bellows my name, and I let out a puff of air. You could probably hear me a state over with the way I’m feeling right now. I stand from the seat at my desk, smooth my skirt down so it’s not hiked up from when I was sitting, grab my resignation letter, and march into his office.

“Coming,” I finally say while I take my sweet time. I take in one last deep breath, exhaling it slowly.

“It’s now or never,” I tell myself. I knock on his door even though it’s slightly ajar. I learned on my first day, over two years ago, when I was transferred to work in this department, you always knock, no matter what, or you’ll really hear his wrath.

“Come in,” he grunts. I push the door open. It’s really too bad he’s such a jerk. Jamie Rodriquez’s voice, when he isn’t a total douche, is smooth with a hint of rasp and the lilt of Spanish when he’s in a heated discussion or on the rare occurrence he’s in a good mood. Not to mention, he is drop-dead gorgeous, but his personality makes me want to wring his neck. I swear to all that is holy, if Clairabella ever behaved like him, I would have no problem putting her in her place.

“Good afternoon. You wanted to see me?”

“Yes, I need you to stay late tomorrow evening. There’s a client coming in for a six o’clock appointment,” Jamie states.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Rodriquez, but I won’t be here. I have it on the schedule.” I can see it coming already, but I’m ready for it. After last week, I knew today was going to be the final straw.

“That won’t be happening. I’ll need you here to take meeting minutes.” I see the frown lines marring his face like he literally has no idea I had this taken care of weeks ago.

“Then I hate to do this, but this is my resignation letter. I’ll be leaving at the end of the day today. I don’t care if you don’t give me a reference, but after two years of you doing this to me, I’m done. I’ve talked to human resources many times, and guess what? They side with you, so now, I’m done. I’ve had enough. I don’t deserve this, and my daughter doesn’t deserve this. Consider this my notice. At the end of the day today, I’m not coming back, Mr. Rodriquez.” I slam my hand down on his desk for extra emphasis. His mouth is open and gasping for something to say.

With that, I turn on my heel, open the door, and close it behind me. I probably should have slammed it shut, just so he could feel the wrath of what he’s done to me day in and day out. He’s lucky I haven’t called an attorney on his own attorney self. No, instead, I close the door with a soft click. I look at my desk, and as much as I want to cry, I don’t. Instead, I suck it up and head to the copy room to grab a box. I’ve made a couple of friends here over the years, but nobody it won’t kill me to say goodbye to. And isn’t that shitty? Six years here with not a whole lot to show for it.

Tags: Tory Baker Finding Love Erotic