Page 24 of Limitless

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I reached behind me, positioning my hand on my lower back, palm up, offering it to her. I knew she wouldn’t take it, but I wanted her to know she was on my mind right now, that I was here for her and would protect her from this ass with the red lipstick along his shirt collar.

Oh yeah, he’d gotten lucky alright.

And he was right, I probably could too, judging by all the advances I shoved off each night at the bar. But I didn’t want anyone. No, that wasn’t quite right. I wanted someone, but Icouldn’thave anyone. Not romantically, anyway. It was too risky with everything going on in my life.

The elevator slowed, and the guy regarded me with glazed over eyes then tilted to the side as if to see what was behind me. I shifted, keeping my gaze locked on him, daring him to move a fraction more to see the treasure behind me.

I kind of wanted him to make a move. It’d feel nice to knock that arrogance swaggering off him like a black, suffocating ooze. I could always peg those assholes when they first stepped into the bar. The ones who wanted one thing from a chick and probably wouldn’t have any issue doing anything to get it.

His eyes widened as he stepped to the doors rolling open and he stumbled out. Too bad the stench of alcohol lingered.

“Okay to keep going?” I asked Lina.

Warm fingers slid along my palm so lightly I wasn’t positive it had happened, but it had to have. Gentle touches worked up to my wrist then clammy fingers clamped around, holding tight. I felt her wrist in my palm, so I latched onto her. “I got you,” I said, feeling privileged that I was the one allowed to hold this dainty wrist.

She trusted me.

The elevator started moving again toward our destination: the Lobby.

“Want to check the video feed on your phone?” I asked.

“I’m…okay. Got to…keep…going,” she said, breathless. Her grip tightened, and I stood where I was, unsure of exactly what to do. But for now, I was going to relish the contact with her. I felt her pulse hammering into my palm, and her skin was clammy, but she’d reached out. She’d touched me all on her own. Sure, it was in response to nervousness, but the idea of her reaching to me empowered me even more. I would be her buoy in these murky waters…yes. I’d protect her.

“You handled that well, you know.”

She huffed. “Sorry about the nail scraping.”

“I don’t mind losing a little skin if it allows you to meet your goal.”

“I think I’m okay now.” Her hold on me loosened. “Thanks.”

I started releasing my grip on her wrist when the elevator came to a halt. She squeezed her hand on me briefly, but then let go. “I’d like to keep holding your hand, Lina,” I said over my shoulder.

She stepped back and looked up at me, her eyes wide. I noticed they were a little bloodshot, and some black smudged below her eyes. Damn it, she’d been crying?

“You want to…hold my hand?”

I turned toward her as the door rolled open. “Only if you want.”

She eyeballed my offered hand, then me. Voices streamed in through the open door, and I glanced over my shoulder to assess the situation.

No one stood waiting to board the elevator, so I stepped into the doorway to prevent it from closing, all the while keeping my hand up for her to take if she wanted. It would be her choice. She was in control. But damn, I wanted those slender fingers to thread through mine.

Such a complete and total contrast. She was so small and fragile. I was so big and tough.

She reached for me then hesitated and fisted her hand. “I want…to, but…I want to be able to do this on my own. I…but…I want to hold your hand, too.” Pink dusted her cheeks as she glanced past me. “Once I’m out…to the lobby.” She smiled and nailed me with a look. “You’ll…be my…your hand will be my reward.”

Me? A reward? Hardly, but if that’s what it took to get her out there, then hell yeah, I’d do that for her.

* * *


Four steps to freedom…well, not exactly freedom, but close. Further than I’d ever gone without Jenna or Lizzie talking me through it. Instead, I had a massive bodyguard with a heart of gold.

Anyone who saw him would probably see a thug with all the tattoos, long hair, and huge muscles, but not me, not anymore. I knew him, the real him, and he was all kinds of caring. I should be feeling mortified by the near panic attack in the elevator and the fact that I was having so much trouble just standing outside the elevator in the lobby.

But I didn’t. There wasn’t a hint of embarrassment or frustration in his violet-blue eyes.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance