Page 23 of Limitless

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“True. And for the Halloween thing…I’ve been practicing with Jenna. I mean…well…looking at masks and costumes and stuff for a few weeks.”

“That’s awesome.”

“It also helps that it’s little kids and we’re in a spacious room I’m familiar with. Near the exits should I need to leave. Things like that.”

“All good things.”

The elevator doors rolled open, and she stepped back.

“So, you like it when I call you Lina, huh?” I asked, hoping to distract her. “I can’t be the only one, though, right?”

She nodded and stepped into the elevator. A quick turn and her eyes fixed on me, wide and filled with…fear? No, it must be something else, but I couldn’t place it.

Her chest heaved as she held her phone with both hands and bit that bottom lip of hers again. Boy, that tiny gesture was about to bring me to my knees.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared to get in here with me.” She smiled.

And that smile totally and completely rocked my world.

Chapter Seven


I stepped into the elevator cab with her, and she inched to the side. I knew she’d have trouble with my looming size. She was barely five and a half feet tall, and I was a tower at six foot four, not to mention how big I was. Standing next to her only magnified my size.

I’d always told myself I’d never be weak again, that I’d be able to defend myself if anyone threatened me or anyone I cared about. Specifically, my mom. But now, I wished I were a little smaller so I wouldn’t scare Lina.

“How…how’d you come up with Lina?” she asked.

“Just felt right. With some people, nicknames just come to me.” Especially beautiful people like her, but I left that out.

“So, what could I nickname you?”

“The idea is to come up with one on your own,Lina.” I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m surprised no one has called you that before.”

“The ones I hear mostly are Angel. Or Angie.” She shifted her weight and glanced at the top above the doors. Each floor pinged quietly as we made our way down.

“Doing okay?”

She hummed her yes, not taking her eyes off the floors blinking. But then the box slowed near floor three.

“Crap,” she whispered. Her chest started heaving again.

“I’m here,” I said, stepping closer to her. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

She glanced at me then to her feet. “I hate how weak I feel.”

The doors rolled open, and an older guy with salt and pepper hair strode in. He wore a tux, and his hair on the left side of his head shot up in all directions. “Hey,” he said as he pressed the 1stfloor button. “Great party, huh?”

“Party?” I asked widening my stance so Lina could stay hidden behind me.

“Oh, sorry, thought I’d seen you in the room on the second floor.” The guy shook his head. “Pretty hot!”

The scent of hard liquor emanated from him—it felt like I was at the bar it was so thick.

“You should head down, there are some sweet ass chicks there. You’d do well.” He punched my shoulder as if we were old buddies.

The way he talked about women and how he smacked me made me want to hit him that much more. Right in the jaw so he couldn’t offer that sly grin to anyone else tonight. Behind me, I felt a pull on the back of my shirt and fingernails scrape along my skin.Shit. She was holding on for dear life. Could this elevator move any slower?

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance