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“There you go, sweetheart,” Mrs Collins says, sliding a plate my way.

“Wrap it up, June.”

I jump on hearing a gruff male voice from behind and turn to see Josh standing in the open doorway.

“Chelsea will be joining me in the gardens.”

“Is everything okay?” I ask, peering around him to see where Lucian is. I’m sure he said that he and his cousin would be returning together.

“I’m afraid not. That is what I want to discuss with you.”

Mrs Collins wraps a thin layer of foil around the sandwich and passes it to me as I jump up from the stool. I thank her and push the sandwich into my jacket pocket.

I follow quickly behind Josh, who heads straight to the orangery and to the door leading out of the house. The strong scent of pollen attacks my senses as we pass the flower beds. I follow Josh through the tree-lined walkway, past the rattan chair set I sat on with Farrah the day of her arrival, and on. It isn’t until I look back that I realise how far we have come. I stop walking and look around.

“Josh,” I call, to which he stops. He turns to face me. His usually pristine hair falls unkempt around his face, his suit is creased and his shirt appears to be missing a few buttons. Heat blossoms at my brow, and my heartbeat begins to pick up pace. “Is Lucian okay?” I ask, though this time panic fills my voice. All I can think of is why isn’t he here with Josh?

“Lucian is fine,” Josh says. “When I woke up early this morning, he was still asleep.”

I smile to myself, knowing I may have had something to do with that.

“Instead of waking him I decided to go ahead. The helicopter is on the way back to Scotland to pick him up when he’s ready.”

I let out a deep and calming breath. I allow my heartbeat to slow. “My God, Josh, you had me worried something was wrong.” I let out a laugh, but Josh’s stoic expression remains unchanged.

“This isn’t a laughing matter, Chelsea. Something is wrong, and that something is you.”

My brows shoot up and, frowning, I wrap my arms around my waist. “Me?”

Josh takes a step forward, to which I step back. He reaches out and places his open palm on my shoulder. “Samantha was most upset yesterday given that Lucian wouldn’t engage in conversation with her during her tour of Freesdon Hall.”

“That’s a pity.” I try to sound sincere but fail.

“I know my cousin is smitten with you, Chelsea, but it’s time to drop the act. Duncan will not give Lucian the housebuilding company while he stays in this fake relationship with you. You’ve had your fun, lived in a billionaire’s mansion and enjoyed the lifestyle. But now it’s time to stop with the act and go back to reality because it’s over.”

None of this is pretend,I want to shout in his face, but instead keep my emotions tucked away in their vault. My emotions are all I have. By letting them go I’m giving up my control, and that is something I refuse to do.

“Lucian and I have already had this conversation. We both agree there is more to life than money.” I stand taller. “So it would seem as though you’ve had a wasted journey. Aside from that, Lucian has asked me to be his fiancée for real.”

Josh takes a step away and studies me. “Did he now?”

“He did, and not that it’s any of your business, but I am considering saying yes.”

Josh’s jaw tightens, but he doesn’t speak. I consider the conversation to be over, so I spin on my heel and head in the opposite direction toward the paddock when he calls after me. “I’ll go to the press.”

My body comes to an immediate halt, and I turn. Josh is continuing toward me. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t want to have to do this,” he continues whilst looking a million shades of smug. “I’m a close friend of Darren Moore. I’m sure the readers ofCornwall Gossipwould love to hear all about Lucian paying you to be his fake fiancée. He will be made a laughing stock and you a whore. That isn’t the kind of publicity a beauty salon owner wants, and as for Lucian, it will not just damage his career and credibility, but destroy it.”

His words hit me like a thousand missiles. “You’re bluffing.”

“I never bluff. I have had several conversations with Darren in the past and may have played a part in the Samantha Matthews publication.”

My eyes go wide. I remember that article well—it was a patronising and derogatory piece that portrayed Lucian as a womaniser who is incompetent at his job. “How could you?”

“She was a distraction. He needed to move on and get over her. The article was the only way for him to get his head out of the clouds and back to the family business. Though I must admit that article was a bad move, as I didn’t know Samantha’s estranged uncle was a gazillionaire.”

I swallow the lump building in my throat. “Lucian’s your cousin.”

“Yes, I’m merely looking out for his best interests, and my own.”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance