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“Why?” Josh asks.

“I no longer have any interest in the shop or the building in Cornwall. Frankly it is a waste of my valuable time.”

Josh pales and, squeezing his hands into fists, he shoves them into his pockets. “So just like that you’re selling up? What about my share? Lucian, you can’t do this.”

“I can, and I am. The shop and the building.” I pause, relishing in the look of sheer panic on my cousin’s face. But I won’t keep him agonising for long, and, clearing my throat, I continue. “They’re yours.”

Josh’s mouth goes wide. “Lucian—”

I raise my hand. “Under the proviso that Chelsea and her roomie Tyler are still able to rent the apartment upstairs and that the shop is to remain in keeping with the business I acquire.”

My hope is that Chelsea will not return, but I can’t rule it out. If life has taught me anything it is to always be prepared for any eventuality.

Josh nods, tears filling his eyes. “I accept, I accept.”

If I’m not mistaken, I’d say my cousin is close to hugging me. Though my actions aren’t entirely selfless. I simply do not have the time to take on any more business endeavours. As long as the shop remains in keeping with the Calloway brand, I am giving my cousin a full-time income. If he plays his cards right, he will be set up for life, and everybody wins.

“Is that everything?” he asks.

I rotate the glass in my hand and swirl the liquid lazily around before speaking. “If Chelsea’s roomie returns from overseas I want you to offer him the job of shop manager.”

“Done.” Josh practically charges me and grabs me into a bear hug.

My body instantly goes tense and I wriggle to get out of his hold. “Honestly, it’s nothing. I told you from day one that I wasn’t interested in retail, or the building for that matter. I have what I want.” I slowly begin to relax as my mind takes me to the blonde-haired vixen who will undoubtedly be lying in my bed this very second.

“Lucian—” Josh looks fit to burst.

“You’re welcome.” I keep my tone blasé.

“Are we interrupting you, ladies?”

I look up as Malachi and Gage enter the room. Josh releases me and, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, sniffs. “Lucian, my favourite cousin, has just given me the shop in Cornwall.”

“Favourite cousin?” Gage says, placing his hand over his heart. “That hurt.”

As much as I enjoy the back-and-forth between my cousin and brother, I have something, or rather someone, more pressing on my mind. My hope is I can catch her before she goes to sleep and spend a bit of time exchanging some flirty text messages. I plan to tell her in the most ungentlemanly fashion all the ways I want to fuck her. I may even go as far as throwing in some colloquialisms and light cursing. The girls seem to like it when I talk dirty, and who am I to disappoint?

“I really do have an early morning.” Tipping my head, I finish my Scotch in one swig and place the empty glass on the fireplace. “Gentlemen,” I say out of politeness.

I’m about to walk through the door when Malachi stands directly in front of me, blocking my way. “I spoke to Father earlier today. He told me he offered to sign the housebuilding company over to you on Tuesday evening, but you refused. And now you’re giving Josh the property and shop in Cornwall. This would have nothing to do with you surrendering your stake?”

“What does he mean?” Josh asks, clearly eavesdropping. I don’t answer my cousin and instead keep my gaze trained on Malachi.

“No, brother, I am not forfeiting my claim on Calloway Housebuilders. I have just refused to marry Samantha.”

Malachi studies me for a beat. “Even if marrying her earns you the company? I don’t understand you, Lucian. You’ve had your sights set on that company since you were a boy. Why the sudden change of mind?”

“More a change of heart. You see, I’ve found something, or rather someone, whom I want with equal measure, and I am determined to get both.” I lean in close. “You should know by now that I don’t give up without a fight.”

Malachi’s face twitches, and I make a point of squinting. “Heaven forbid, don’t tell me that’s a trace of a smile I see? Anyone would think you have an actual beating heart beneath that stone chest and icy façade.”

I shoulder past my brother and exit the study. I open the lapels of my Cesare Attolini suit and pull out my grandfather’s pocket watch. I know it’s late, but part of me hopes Chelsea is still awake.

I’m halfway up the stairs when my brother calls after me. “Lucian.”

I turn around. “Malachi.”

He takes a step forward and stops inches before the foot of the stairs. “I know you think you have some kind of penance to pay with Josh. But this has got to stop. By constantly helping him you’re becoming a crutch.”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance