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“To Mum,” Malachi, Farrah and I say in unison.

An arm snakes around my waist, and I glance down at the top of Chelsea’s head. Everything about this moment is perfect. Mum isn’t here physically but being here makes me feel as though she is here in spirit.

Glasses chink together as the others toast. Everyone’s attention lands on me, and it’s now I realise I haven’t lifted my glass, not so much as an inch. I shake out of my reverie, about to complete the toast, when a blonde-haired woman in a teal maxi dress hurries to my father’s side.

My jaw clenches at her untimely interruption. I’m about to tell her this is a private family get-together when Father turns his attention to the woman, his face transforming into a frown.

She leans into my father and presses a kiss to his lips. “I’m so sorry I’m late. My meeting ran longer than I expected.” She wipes a red lipstick mark from his chin.

My mouth hangs open as I look from Gage to Malachi. They wear the same look of confusion I imagine to be displayed on my face.

My body tenses, my jaw sets so tightly I feel my teeth crunch. “Father? Who the hell is she?”



Nothing but silence fills the air. It is like someone reached for the volume control remote and turned the sound all the way down. The birds no longer grace us with their beautiful melody, the wind no longer whooshes and rattles the fabric of the marquee, and no one speaks, not so much as a single word.

Duncan looks around the sea of faces, and I figure he is waiting for someone to say something. Long uncomfortable seconds roll into long uncomfortable minutes, and finally there is sound, in the form of Duncan clearing his throat.

“This is Julie Ross.” Duncan wraps his arm around the blonde’s slim waist and pulls her close. “Julie is my—”

“I need air,” Lucian announces before his father can finish. He hands his drink to Gage and leaves the small semi-circle. I turn and watch as he passes a large vegetable patch and disappears through an opening in a long line of bushes. I’m about to follow when fingers wrap around my wrist. I look up and am surprised to see Malachi standing at my side. He doesn’t speak, just shakes his head, silently telling me not to go after Lucian.

My attention returns to Duncan, who, looking in the direction his son left, sighs heavily. “That is a disappointing start.”

Malachi is still holding my wrist when Gage materialises to my right. In a split second he polishes off his own drink, along with Lucian’s, and places them down on the table behind. Without much effort, he plucks the champagne flute from my hand and swallows it down in one. When the three empty glasses are lined up side by side on the table he nods his head in the direction Lucian left.

“I’ll go after him,” Gage announces, and walks in a not-so-straight line in pursuit of his brother.

“I think I better—” Farrah chimes in until her father pins her with a pointed stare.

“Stay,” he commands, and she does. She stands perfectly still, her feet rooted to the ground. I look past Farrah to where dark green shrubs have been clipped into the shape of geisha girls. As still as Farrah is standing, I surmise she would only need a fan and an umbrella and she would easily blend in with the topiaries that stand behind her.

The pressure around my wrist is gone, and Malachi takes a step forward. “It is nice to meet you,” he says, and, capturing Julie’s petite fingers, he presses a kiss on the back of her hand. He releases Julie and passes Farrah a glance. Farrah stumbles forward and pulls Julie into the most awkward embrace I think I’ve ever seen.

Duncan smiles, seemingly happy with Malachi’s and Farrah’s reaction. He looks at them with an approving glint in his eyes, and it’s now I realise that he hasn’t once looked at me. Come to think about it, he didn’t so much as acknowledge me when I arrived here today. It’s as though he expects his children to make an effort and accept Julie, but he will not give his son the same courtesy and accept me. Somewhat hypocritical, but who am I to pass judgement?

I meet Julie’s stare, and she smiles warmly. “And who is this beauty?”

Duncan scoffs.

A hand rests on the small of my back, a hand I know isn’t Lucian’s.

“This is Chelsea, our soon-to-be sister-in-law,” Malachi says, and gives me a soft nudge forward. I feel hot all of a sudden. I feel as though I’ve been thrown to the wolves as all eyes land on me. I ignore the bile creeping its way into my throat and I ignore Duncan’s glacial stare. My gaze locks with Julie’s, and I hold out my trembling hand.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” I say, trying to sound a little more upper class and a little more confident.

“The pleasure is mine.” Julie takes my hand and shakes softly before releasing me. Julie is beautiful, and at first glance is difficult to put an age on. She has a mature vibe about her, though her skin is flawless and free of any visible wrinkles or imperfection.

I narrow my eyes and scan her features. “I know you. I mean, I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

Her hair brushes against her shoulders as she leans her head toward me. Her eyes, which are the colour of light caramel, narrow as she takes me in. “I can’t say I recognise you.”

“Yes, dear,” Duncan agrees. “I know exactly what you mean. Young Charlotte didn’t leave a lasting impression on me either.”

It’s Chelsea,I want to blurt out, but keep my lips pressed tightly together.

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance