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Alarm bells are ringing in my head. I told Chelsea she could stay in another wing of the estate. If she agrees to our little arrangement she will have to keep up the pretence whilst Farrah stays. Bugger, this is turning into a nightmare. I need to call the whole charade off, and sooner rather than later. I need to speak to Chelsea immediately. I clear my throat whilst at the same time loosening the collar around my neck. “Please excuse me for a second. I will be back.”

Without a backward glance I hurry to the staircase and place my hand on the banister. I stop and am physically frozen to the spot. Chelsea is standing on the top stair. She has undressed out of the robe and is wearing a yellow summer dress. The hem caresses her knees as she makes her way down.

She looks—my God, she looks magnificent. A painful reminder of the most beautiful thing in this world I want but can’t have, and more specifically can’t buy.

“This must be my sister-to-be!” Farrah squeaks, unable to contain her excitement.

I turn to my sister and Malachi. “About that…” I take a deep calming breath and think about the words that are to follow.

This is one big misunderstanding; Chelsea and I aren’t engaged.

I open my mouth to speak when a hand snakes around my waist. I turn to see Chelsea standing at my side. She leans up on the tips of her toes and places a kiss on my cheek. “I’m sorry I took so long.”

The scent of strawberry shampoo fills my nose, along with the subtle fragrance of coconut body wash. Her scent and warmth are all around me and cast a spell on my reasoning. I forget all the reasons why I should call this charade off, and focus on all the reasons why I should continue. I turn around, capture Chelsea in my arms and pull her close.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

Her body tenses and her eyes go wide as I lean in for a kiss. She could kill me with her stare alone, but at least I would die a happy man. My lips are inches from hers when she quickly turns her face away and I kiss her cheek.

She laughs theatrically and shimmies out of my hold. “Lucian, sweetheart,” she says through gritted teeth. It amuses me that behind her annoyance she attempts to look lovingly at me, and bonus points as she even used my term of endearment. “You’ll smudge my lipstick.”

She laughs playfully and turns to our audience. She leans into me for a second, and to anyone watching it would appear she’s whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

“Try that again and I will personally castrate you.” She backs away with a smile so wide it would rival the Joker.

I laugh and flick the end of her nose. “You are so funny.”

Her smile falters, and I know that was a step too far.

“Chelsea.” I reach for her hand. Our fingers interlink for a second before the link is broken. She isn’t used to me touching her, but that is something she will need to get over and soon.

“Relax,” I say, though her painted-on expression and doe eyes are swallowed up by raven hair as my sister quite literally jumps on her.

“I’m so happy to meet you! I’ve always wanted a sister.” Farrah bounces up and down in their embrace. Wide-eyed, Chelsea looks at me for help, and I of course step in.

“Sis,” I say, peeling Farrah off Chelsea. “Carry on without us, we will be right behind you.”

Farrah frowns and, crossing her arms, she pouts. This small gesture reminds me that my sister is only a teenager. At seventeen she is the baby of the family and is very much used to getting what she wants. “But I want to get to know Chelsea.”

“And you will,” I say, spinning her shoulders around and giving her a nudge toward our brother. “I just want a second in private to tell my fiancée how utterly ravishing she looks.”

Farrah laughs and skips away, her bodyguard and Malachi on her heels. “Hurry up and make out so you can join us,” are the words Farrah leaves us with as she disappears around the corner.

I side-eye Chelsea, who side-eyes me.

“Please, let me apologise,” I say, taking a step closer to her.

Chelsea holds up her hand. “I don’t want your apology. All I want is to reopen my salon. One month, Lucian, one month and I never see you again.” She holds out her hand in a gentleman’s handshake gesture. But it would be unfair to shake based on our previous discussion because things have changed, like the fact Farrah intends to stay with us. Like the fact Chelsea will have to play the doting fiancée twenty-four seven.

I run my fingers through my hair. “About our agreement. There are things we need to discuss before you commit.”

Chelsea shakes her head. “I thought about your offer, and it didn’t take me long to conclude that you are the only chance I have of opening my salon. I will put up with a month of hell if it means I get my life back. I will be your fake fiancée, I will hold your hand in public, laugh at your jokes, and kiss you on the cheek when the time calls for it. My terms are as follows. You do not kiss me on the lips without my consent, and I’m not having sex with you.”

I lift my arm; our palms meet for a second and we shake, sealing the deal. “To the temporary Mrs Calloway-to-be.” With my free hand I make a sweeping motion around the grand hallway. “Mi casa es tu casa. My house is your house.”

“Lucky me,” Chelsea says, though I can’t miss the air of sarcasm in her tone as she pulls her hand free.

Out of the few women I have brought to my Surrey estate, Chelsea is the first who doesn’t look impressed, not even in the slightest. Her lack of admiration baffles me, because I have no idea how I’m to impress this girl. No idea what makes her tick, but I’m looking forward to spending this time together discovering all of her little idiosyncrasies.

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance