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Rolling around on my bed I laugh, giggle, and just have an amazing time talking to Sam. His deep, soothing voice sure doesn’t hurt either.

“Whatcha up to?”

“Just cooking,” he says. “Bit of soup, or is it a stew?”

“Maybe I could come over later and help you eat it,” I suggest.

“Maybe I should just eat you instead.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed to that one bit.”

I roll over onto my stomach just as there’s a knock on the door.

‘Can you get it?’ I mouth to my roommate, who takes out her earbuds and moves toward the door.

Getting back to my conversation, I’m expecting it to be Jessica’s boyfriend, but when she opens the door and I glance in that direction, I quickly look away, unease filling me as it’s not who I expected. Not at all.

“One second,” I say to Sam, sliding my thumb over the part of the phone you talk into as I listen closely.

“Can I help you…officers?” Jess says dumbfounded.

They say nothing, and I don’t need to turn around to know they must be motioning toward me.

Unable to help myself I bring a fingernail to my mouth and then pick at the cuticle of another.

Moving my hand slightly on my phone so Sam can hear, I say softly, “They’re here.”

“Who’s there?”

“The cops,” I respond, my voice growing shakier by the second. I cross my ankles and then uncross them, only to repeat the process. “What should I do?”

“Tell them the truth.”

“They’re going to ask me the same questions, I can feel it.” I pause. “Sam…you…you didn’t have anything to do with…”

Unable to complete the question I stop. Do I really even want to know at this point? Am I a complete fool, too stupid to live, for not knowing?

Maybe I am, I’m not really sure. But what I am sure of is this man cares for me like no one has before. No one. And that’s all I need in my life to feel whole, and I’m not about to lose it. Not now. Not ever. “Let me call you back,” I state before quickly ending the call.

Clearing my throat I roll over onto my stomach and in a shaky voice say, “How can I help you officers?”

“How do you know we’re here to speak with you?” Officer Dawson says.

“I don’t hear you asking my roommate anything so that pretty much narrows it down.”

“You need to go to college to learn things like that?” Fields chimes in.

“I’ve got a lot of homework today so please ask what you need or show yourself out.”

Something about being around Sam has helped me grow more of a backbone. He’s a bit pompous at times, even cocky, but it’s what a shy girl like me needed. And the osmosis factor is most certainly working.

“A little privacy?” Fields says to Jessica.

“Uh, excuse me? I live here.”

“Please, Jess. It will make things less awkward for all of us.” I pause. “You’re right by the way. It’s b.s., but I’ll buy you pizza later,” I offer in peace.

She nods and shows herself out as the officers step inside.

Tags: Lena Little Romance