Page 24 of Dark Stranger

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I rubbed my jaw as I debated. The timing wasn’t the best but allowing the asshole to sweat his fate for a few days could prove helpful. “Put him on ice. I’ll deal with him when I return.” I didn’t need to explain any further. He knew exactly what I meant.

“You got it, boss. Do you want the daily maintenance routine?”

Matteo was enjoying this far too much. He’d developed the terminology, and it had always brought me a smile. The routine was inflicting various aspects of pain on a daily basis, which usually softened them up. Often, all I needed to do was show up and the traitor in question started singing. “The daily special.”

“Now you’re talking. I’m on it.”

“Call me if he talks. Otherwise, maintain silence.”

“Enjoy your hunt, boss.”

Chuckling, I ended the call. The prey was already in my sights.

As she returned, a glass of wine in her hand, I noticed her expression of apprehension. I wanted her on edge, uncertain of what to expect. I gathered a single whiff of fear as she approached, a scent that was as unforgettable as the metallic taste of blood.

Sierra said nothing at first, easing into the chair and studying me intently. If the woman believed she could cut through the layers of family honor and duty, she was wrong, but I’d enjoy watching her try. The psychological aspect of my foray into seduction was almost as enticing as the first taste would be.

“Alessandro. A sensual name.”

“Yes, my mother had a love of all things romantic.”

“Well, I suppose there is nothing wrong with being romantic.”

“Which means you harbor no intense feelings about passion,” I said, studying her carefully.

“Passion is something else entirely, as long as it’s real, not nestled between the pages of a book. However, I believe it’s difficult to find.”

“We will have to agree to disagree. Passion can be found in many things from enjoying the taste of a succulent meal to watching a perfect sunset over the ocean. Sometimes only a dark voice whispering thoughts of filthy sin is needed in order to desire satisfaction.”

Sierra seemed even more flustered, a light sheen of rose cresting along her jaw. I was pushing my luck, but that was my intent.

She took a sip of her wine, her eyes never leaving mine. Even with twilight settling in, the flickering table candle provided a stunning glow around her porcelain face. “Those kind of raw emotions aren’t easy to come by no matter how flattering the words or how sensual the person. I don’t believe in fairytales. What I do believe in is truthfulness, not hiding behind a veil of suspicious activity.”

It would appearmi tesorowas fishing. Soon, my little treasure would learn aspects that would become even more disturbing. Until then, I’ll allow her to try to pick apart the puzzle. It amused me more than it should.

“I agree, but often the things that become most desirable are those that create tingling vibrations that refused to be ignored.”

Her nod was subtle, but one of respect, which pleased me. Somehow, I had a feeling that wouldn’t last very long.

“I’ve talked with a man who in a few short sentences believed he’d found the key to unlocking my darkest desires. He spoke in similar riddles, believing I was enthralled enough to be unable to see through them.”

“Are you asking me if I’m purposely leading you down a path of self-discovery?”

Her laugh was unexpected, the soft lilt filtering into my eardrums reminding me of the beautiful strains of a harp, my mother’s favorite instrument. “Should I be?”

“We certainly don’t know each other well enough for that as of now, but the possibilities are endless.”

I’d made her uncomfortable, but her curiosity remained. Everything about her was a powerful pull, invoking the sadistic man inside. I shifted in my seat, my balls aching to the point of throbbing pain.

“What do you do, Alessandro, at least when you’re not attempting to entice women into your lair?”

Her comment was perhaps the most unexpected of all. I burst into laughter, genuinely engaged in the conversation. “My family owns several businesses, including one in Raleigh.”

“What kind of businesses?”

I leaned over, enjoying the sound of her voice. “Is that what you really want to know, Sierra? Or is there something else on your mind?”

“I’m sorry, boss. I need to interrupt.”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance