Page 23 of Dark Stranger

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“I look forward to the time we spend together.”

His words lingered as I walked away, a series of sensations dancing down my legs. As soon as I reached the door, I looked back.

He was watching me.




My father had once told me that the hunger to spill blood was in our genes, the need as vital as the air necessary to sustain life. I’d never fully understood his statement until several years ago. My belief had always been that he’d been indoctrinated into the lifestyle, learning the art of torture at an early age. That had turned him into the merciless bastard I’d known him to be.

He’d insured that his two sons would be as brutal and harsh, relentless in our actions, never apologizing for a damn thing. Perhaps Cruz and I had been the ones indoctrinated. Bloodlust had been a part of our world early on, reigning over every other desire. I’d left a trail of dead bodies, the deaths necessary to secure our kingdom.

So had Cruz, only his path had taken him in an entirely different direction. In the month since my original discussion with him, he’d acted as if he’d acquiesced to my demands. Bullshit. He was biding his time. For what I’d yet to ascertain. That would come later. This was far more important.

What I’d learned over a relatively short period of time was that I was more like my father than I’d allowed myself to believe, engaging in similar methods of interrogation with our enemies. My penchant for violence had earned me a reputation as a savage, unforgiving bastard.

Which was all true.

Excuses had never been allowed in our household and they certainly would never be accepted in business. The requirement for revenge without exception was another necessity, which was the reason I was sitting in a lively bistro in the middle of a city that held no charm.

Except for the stunning blonde who’d ventured upon my table. I remained surprised that having the opportunity to speak with her personally had come so easily. I’d accept the good fortune as a gift, making the reprehensible side of what I was about to do even sweeter.

What I hadn’t expected was my body’s reaction upon seeing her in person. I’d been provided with a thick dossier on every aspect of her life, including several photographs. Edwardo had complied, barely saying two words given his newfound understanding of how I planned on handling business since my release. While he’d performed a deeper dive than his original investigation, there were no red flags concerning her past, just interesting details of an honest, innocent girl who’d turned into a magnificent woman.

She was also highly intelligent, which made me question on several occasions whether or not she had any idea what her fiancé had been doing during his long absences. Maybe not. The second question was always the same. Why had Tristen risked her life? Granted, he’d been damn good at keeping her a secret, but he’d also been no fool. He’d known exactly what getting involved in the Montenegro organization meant. Perhaps the various unknowns made the game even more exciting.

While I’d considered Sierra attractive when Edwardo had handed over the single photograph over six months before, in person she was absolutely stunning. Her eyes alone had created an instant insatiable hunger burning deep within, more so than what I’d felt while talking to her. I drummed my fingers on the table as I watched her walk away, her exotic floral fragrance lingering in my nostrils.

Did she know I was the hunter, a man who’d awakened her soul all those months ago? Did she have any idea a predator was in her midst, his hunger increasing by every minute? I took a sip of wine. I’d been surprised to find such a rich selection in the quaint bookstore.

I knew more about Sierra than she likely wanted others to know, including her kinky desires, which she’d hidden even from her closest friends. The internet footprint never lied, the websites she frequented giving a frank and sinful look into her preferences. The combination of spunky business owner in what I’d called a sleepy town atmosphere versus the filthy proclivities that rarely saw the light of day kept my cock throbbing. At this moment, my balls were tight, the ache making my breathing labored.

No woman had ever done that to me before. They were objects to be used, entirely pleasure driven. While my intentions were less than admirable, I sensed a stronger connection than I’d intended.

And I had no idea why.

Bentley Little. I’d found out enough about her favorite author to seem genuine in my approach, and her taste in literature was as unexpected as my need to taste her had been. My sweet Sierra had a dark side she’d likely never explored. Images of all the vile things I would do to her remained in the forefront of my mind. Soon, she would be writhing underneath me, her moans of pleasure providing the only music I’d ever need.

I pushed the book aside, curious as to what other secrets she was hiding beneath her conservative clothing and engaging smile.

I’d been offered the opportunity to handle the necessary revenge instead of my father. His phone call had been terse. He’d acquiesced at my request, finally convincing me that the man who’d nearly destroyed our empire remained alive and the woman who’d graced me with her presence only moments before knew of his whereabouts. I was required to do whatever was necessary in order to fulfill my duty, discovering what she knew. If he had his way, she’d be tortured to gain the information. But she was far too beautiful to harm.

His words had been frank, the order issued one that couldn’t be ignored. However, I would handle business my way. My father and I had always had a tumultuous relationship, enough so after his retirement, we rarely talked. His insistence I kill her was a stark reminder why we weren’t close.

I’d devised a plan of my own, using the time I’d spent locked away like an animal wisely, preparing her for my visit.

The subterfuge had been enjoyable, at least for a little while. Then I’d realized I was required to be the one with patience, waiting until the appropriate time to take what already belonged to me. Tonight was the night, my tolerance running its course. Tasting her would be divine. Introducing her to the game already in motion thepiece de la resistance.

Soon, the lovely Sierra would belong to me, a beautiful pawn in a dangerous game that I had every intention of winning.

The vibration from my phone forced a long sigh from my lungs. I’d forbidden interruptions under any circumstances. However, seeing Matteo’s number meant he’d located the one man I’d yet to have a chance to… interrogate. I’d rounded up the other three men who’d worked alongside Tristen, explaining the error of their ways. Tonight, I would use the knife. The final man would provide answers. He was the only person who likely had some knowledge of Tristen’s demise, whether real or fake, and what the bastard had done with the information regarding my business.

“I assume you’re calling with good news,” I said blankly.

“He was tough to find, but Butch and Sam located him in Reno. He’d retired, selling the firm he and Tristen had owned,” Matteo said with amusement in his voice. “What do you want done with him?”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance