Page 32 of Mai Tai

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She cringed. “Hell if I know. We’re not getting fired but I’ve never seen anything like this and I’ve been here three years.”

A woman with half-moon spectacles appeared before us. She had on a bright yellow cardigan and it didn’t appear to match her mood. Everyone called Trista Lockhart, the Kiriakis Lioness. You had to go through Andrew’s assistant to get to him. She was sporting a round belly looking extremely pregnant and I wondered who had dared to get close enough to her to make a child.

“Listen up, when I call your name, approach and then find an empty desk. The folder I’m about to hand off to you, contains NDA’s, and the assignment you’re about to be working on. Nothing leaves this floor, not even a pencil. Do not talk about your assignments, period. End of story.”

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head at her words and I felt everyone get tense as hell.

You are on the executive floor, I thought.

Where the man who deflowered you works.

You’ll see him every day…

“Cindy Barlowe,” the Lioness called my name.

As I approached, I looked over her shoulder and found Andrew starring out of his office window. It wasn’t at me though.

His look was one of stone and anger and electricity cutting through the office, I felt almost bad for the person it was trained on. I turned to see what had gathered his ire and saw her.

The princess had arrived…

My breath hitched in my throat as I took in the sight of this blonde haired, blue eyed goddess dressed in a business suit, while a baguette necklace made of diamonds decorated her throat. She didn’t even give us a speck of attention as she passed us. She even ignored the Lioness who was waiting for me.Her focus zeroed in like a heat seeking missile.

“Did you see everything you needed to see?” Trista snapped.

“Soo…sorry,” I bit my lip.

She handed me the file and shook her head. “Please run the analytics and get them to Eric, the department head.”

Before I could ask another question she called Justine’s name next, forcing me to awkwardly shuffle out of the way. I didn’t care though, I was suddenly wishing to be a fly on the wall of Andrew’s office. He had closed the blinds and the princess’s bodyguards leaned up against the closed door.

Andrew’s ex-wife had not looked happy…

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