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Ansley paused, and her face brightened. “Oh! Because daddy wants you to correct the ComTech account and also check over and file the other four accounts he pulled.”

Beth’s mouth fell open. “I can sort out ComTech, sure, but there’s not enough time for me to complete five accounts!” She said weakly, hating to let her friend down.

“Oh, he says the others are all complete. He’s just lost his faith in Premier Finance and wants a second opinion. Oh, and he said to give you this.”

Ansley handed a slip of paper to Beth, and even though she was an accountant and recognized a check when she saw one, the number was so huge that she still had to blink several times to make sure she was seeing it right. She looked at Ansley in askance, unable to believe this was what she thought it was.

“I hope that’s enough for all your hard work,” Ansley responded. “Daddy says that’s the sum of the bonuses he normally pays for the five accounts, plus an extra bonus for you taking it on at short notice, plus a month’s salary that will take you up to the deadline date. But he’ll renegotiate if it’s not enough.”

Not enough?“It’s more than enough,” Beth choked out. It was more than she’d earned during her entire four years working at Premier Finance combined, bonuses included!

“Excellent,” Ansley said, rubbing her hands together, then firing off a quick text, presumably to her father. “Now that all the boring business stuff’s out of the way, I do believe we have a lot of catching up to do. You can go first.”

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic