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That was a problem for the future.

Right now, she was going to enjoy the present and all of the wonderful gifts it had in store.

And the first of those gifts appeared a lot sooner than she expected. She hadn’t been up long when there was a knock on her door.

Beth went to answer it and was delighted, if surprised, to find Mitch there, pushing a heated food trolley.

“Morning beautiful,” he said cheerfully, setting her heart fluttering. “Jed sent breakfast up for you. Unfortunately, he has to work, but I promised to deliver it for him.”

Beth bit her lip and moved to the side to let him in, not entirely sure how things stood between them. Oh, she knew what she wanted, all right, but would the guys feel the same? And what if all four of them weren’t on the same page? How would things work if they all wanted something different.

When they’d refused to stay the night, they told her it was because they didn’t want her to make that decision when her mind was high on endorphins. But she hadn’t been certain that it wasn't just a polite brush off.

Then again, Jed had sent breakfast. He didn’t have to do that. And Mitch didn’t have to bring it, so that had to be a good sign, right? And if you didn’t ask, you didn’t get.

“Did he send enough for two?” she asked coyly, winding a finger in her hair. “Perhaps you could stay a while and join me?”

Mitch grinned as he rolled the trolley over to the table in the lounge area before turning and pulling her in for a brief, but very welcome, kiss which tamed a lot of those burning questions that were stewing in her head. “As it happens, I insisted that he did, so I’m glad you chose to invite me, or the amount of food would have made you think we were trying to fatten you up.” He winked as he pulled the silver lids off the dishes.

“Good grief!” Beth exclaimed when she saw the volume and variety of foods. “I’m thinking that anyway, even if I only eat half of all this. There’s enough to feed an army. And believe me, I need to lose weight, not gain any more or people are going to mistake me for a beached whale when I head down to the cove to sunbathe!”

Mitch raised an eyebrow. “Careful, baby. You don’t want to start your day off with a spanking,” he warned.

“Well, I think she’s earned one anyway,” came another voice from the door, which she realized she’d forgotten to close in her excitement at seeing Mitch.

Beth whirled in surprise to see Sawyer stalking towards her, pinning her with that intense, dark gaze of his. “You dish up breakfast, Mitch,” he suggested to his friend. “I’ll deal with this.”

Before she could argue her way out of it, he’d pulled her with him, down onto the couch, and was peppering her ass with a volley of stinging swats.

Beth squealed and kicked her legs, but Sawyer wasn’t having any of it. Pinning her legs with one of his own, he pushed up her sundress and peeled down her panties, before delivering a dozen more slaps to her bare butt.

“Okay, okay! I’m sorry!” Beth spluttered as the sting swiftly became a burn on top of the sensitivity she still retained from the previous spanking.

Sawyer rubbed his hand over the sore globes. “I should think so too,” he retorted, but he straightened her clothes and pulled her up and into his arms.

“I love the size of you and so do Mitch and Jed. Don’t ever doubt that, Bethy.”

The words and the use of her pet name dug just that little bit deeper into her heart.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic