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Beth let herself into the suite and flopped on the lush, velvet sofa with a sigh. For a long moment she just sat there, considering what to do next that didn’t have ‘loser’ written all over it; trying not to let the events of the night bug her.

For that reason, she repressed the urge to get undressed immediately and change into one of the voluminous, fluffy complimentary robes that made her look like a giant marshmallow. She wanted to hang on to the pretense for just a little while longer, if only for the sake of her sanity.

She picked up the remote and flicked through a few channels on the massive, wall-mounted TV, but the sickening number of Valentine oriented programming forced her to turn it off. Where was a good war film when you needed one? Or a documentary about flesh devouring predators?

Instead, she opted for music, but that gave her too much time to think, so she wandered out onto the balcony. The view was stunning, but it didn't hold her interest for long.

She left the double doors open so the feather-light chiffon curtains danced in the quiet breeze and the scent of fresh air and sea brine wafted into the room.

She paced the floor, trailing her fingers over the ornate furnishings, stopping to admire the genuine paintings of local color; anything that would distract from the meltdown she was trying to avoid.

” Come on, you’re better than this,” she told herself, hoping the sound of her voice would serve to talk her down. “You can take a little bit of drunken insult. That snotty kid’s opinion is worth less than a boil on the butt of humanity. You’ve weathered worse and shrugged it off.”

And it was true. For the most part she recognized that it was someone else’s shortcomings that prompted them to be mean. Picking on any target just so they could feel better about themselves and their own insecurities.

But it wasn’t really about that. She knew she was just as good as the next person. And a damn sight better than some of the miserable mofo’s who could only feel good about themselves by insulting others.

It was more the disappointment. For once in her life, she thought she was going to find something special. Though she had the chance to make a magical memory she could hold close and remember fondly when loneliness threatened. A single, perfect moment which would provide pleasure and fulfillment, and ensure that her shitty run of Valentine’s Day messes were overshone by something so perfect they paled into insignificance.

Instead, she just had the biggest of all fuck ups to add to her abysmal record.

Argh! She’d promised herself she wasn’t going there. That the pity party was not going to happen, but she could already feel the familiar melancholy pulling her under.

She didn’t want this! She wanted to be strong and shiny and durable. So, when the quiet knock interrupted her gloomy thoughts, she rushed to open it, even though she wasn’t in the mood for the pleasantries she would undoubtedly have to dredge up.

“Oh! Um, hi,” she said in surprise when she pulled the door open to reveal Mitch, Jed and Sawyer.

She’d spent time with all three, admired them and enjoyed their company. And it was fair to say she’d felt a spark of attraction to them all. But this was the first time they’d all been together at the same time, and somehow the chemistry that had always been there seemed like it had doubled.

And while Beth had been expecting some kind of conciliatory offering sent to placate her, like the champagne Greg had offered, their presence confused her.

Unless… maybe things had progressed quicker than she’d expected, and they’d come to say thank you.

“Hello Beth.” Jed took the lead, gracing her with his dazzling smile. “May we come in and speak with you?”

It was an odd request, really. She couldn’t imagine what they might want to talk to her about, but she was glad of the company, and she liked each one of these guys, a lot, so it was no hardship.

“Sure,” she agreed, stepping back, and raising her hand in invitation.

They walked in and she led the way over to the comfortable seating in the lounge area, suddenly grateful she’d decided not to go with the marshmallow look. They were, all three of them, good-looking guys, and she was pleased to look her best.

“Would you like something to drink? The suite is very well stocked, as I’m sure you’re aware,” she asked, making small talk, since she wasn’t sure what else to say.

“Thank you,” Jed replied.

“I’ll fetch us something, shall I?” This from Mitch who jumped up and headed over to the refreshments area, obviously familiar with the room.

Still, she was mildly surprised when he returned with a carafe of coffee on a tray with sugar, cream, and several flavor pods. She’d expected them to opt for something alcoholic.

“So why aren’t three hot guys like you downstairs enjoying the Valentine's event?” Beth asked when they’d all taken a cup. “I hope you weren’t asked to come and check on me during your time off. I’m fine, honestly.”

Sawyer was sitting next to her on one of the couches. She pegged him as the oldest of the three, and he was certainly the most serious. He didn’t say anything, but he stroked the back of his knuckles down her arm where several finger marks, which looked likely to form bruises, were still visible.

The other two followed his movements and scowled.

“It’s just a couple of bruises, guys,” Beth remarked. “I’m sure you’ve left worse on a sub when you’ve delivered a spanking or something.”

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic