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Beth enjoyed the shibari demonstration. Rope work like that was definitely something she’d like to try if she ever got the opportunity. She wasn’t as convinced by the suspension aspect of the display they were watching now. She’d rather keep her feet - and the rest of her body - on the ground. Although, admittedly, the concept of turning the suspension into what was essentially a giant sex swing was really quite titillating.

The bondage itself was certainly something she could get behind. The idea of being so totally bound that she was at the mercy of her lover - completely dominated - she found very appealing.

She made a soft humming noise under her breath, but Jed still picked up on it. “See something you like?” he asked.

She looked over, and seeing nothing but genuine interest in his eyes, she answered him honestly.

“I like the idea of being dominated like that,” she told him. “Of relinquishing every bit of control. But making yourself that vulnerable, is only something you could do with the right people, of course.”

Jed nodded. “Yes, it takes a deeper level of trust to submit to the depth where you are completely immobilized. But it can be very rewarding when you make the right connections.”

“That sounds like you’re talking from experience,” she remarked, a shiver of hyper-awareness raising the fine hairs on her arms. Did she trust Jed enough to commit to such an experience? They’d only just met, but she felt like it might be possible if she knew him better. He seemed like the solid, reliable type, despite his youth. If there was one thing Beth prided herself on, it was her ability to read people.

She hoped she got the chance to find out if she was right.

“So do you want to take a look around the rest of the club, or do you want to stay here and wait for the next demo?” Jed asked when the action on the stage finished.

Beth turned her head to see what was going on, but the muted light made it too hard to see much. As much as she wanted to stay here and get to know Jed, she decided it probably wasn’t a good idea. She already wanted to jump his bones. Probably best to find something to distract her before she came across as too forward. Doms never liked to be topped from the bottom.

“That’s a good idea,” she said. “I’d like to see what else the club has to offer.”

And it was true. As much as she liked Jed, none of this was on her agenda. She had a hot date tomorrow night which was set to make one of those impossible dreams come true, so she wanted to be as prepared as she could. And part of that involved being familiar with the club, its patrons, and its atmosphere.

It was like Jed had read her mind again, because as they walked around, he switched to being the consummate host and adopted more of a sales pitch. Of course, it could just be that he was as keen to take his mind off the direction their evening had been going in as she was. She’d like to think so, anyway.

“Everything here is quality, top of the range,” he said as they stopped by various pieces of equipment. “And the personal welfare of all our patrons is the number one priority. The dungeon monitors are discreet, but they’re very much on top of things.”

They stopped to watch a scene which involved a six-foot bullwhip which looked absolutely lethal to Beth. The woman, who was tied, naked, to a St. Andrews Cross had a series of painful looking, bright red welts running across the length of her back, across her flinching buttocks, and down the back of her thighs. But a closer inspection showed that none of them had broken the skin - something Beth thought must be a feat in itself - and also that the expression on her sweat drenched face was absolutely blissful.

Even so, Beth couldn’t see anyone who appeared to be an employee monitoring the scene. Not that she had any idea what they looked like, but she’d expected them to stand out. Instead, everyone in the watching crowd seemed like they were here to have a good time.

The same thing crossed her mind when they moved along to the next station. This one was a spanking bench, and the girl tied to it was being spanked with a wooden paddle, right on top of the flattened flange of a protruding butt plug. She winced with every loud swat, and the crack of the wood against the head of the plug rang out as loudly as her cries. But still Beth saw no one who looked like they were poised to intervene if things got out of hand.

Not that they needed to, of course. A half dozen more swats and the girl’s breath hitched along with her shoulders. Her face contorted and she let out a loud, high-pitched wail. Beth watched in astonishment as the bound submissive climaxed simply from what her Dom was doing to her without any kind of vaginal stimulation.

Of course, anal sex brought its own distinct kind of pleasure. Beth had been prepping herself with graduating training plugs ever since her birthday when Ansley had sprung this trip on her. But as much as she enjoyed the sensation and longed to feel the fullness of double penetration, she couldn’t quite imagine coming from anal alone. Of course, that was a complete unknown, since despite her arsenal of toys she’d never experienced anal sex with a man.

Yes, she admitted it was a bit - okay, a huge - anomaly for someone who wanted a foursome the way she did, but that didn’t make her want it any less.

A menage scene, very similar to what she wanted to experience, caught her eye and Beth hurried over to watch it without waiting for Jed.

She caught her lip between her teeth and bit down on it to stop herself from moaning out loud at the scene where a guy was laying on a narrow, but well-padded chaise. Bobbing up and down on his cock was a woman, her long, bleach blond hair wound around the fists of the guy who was fucking her mouth. Behind her, a third guy was lubing up, preparing to take his place. Expectation zinged through Beth’s awareness and her nipples tightened painfully inside the bodice of her dress.

She studied them closely. Not the people, but the positions. This was a new one to her, unexpected, and she watched with interest. The sub was sitting upright, and it was clear the third guy was going to fuck her ass as he stood behind her, while the Dom pumping into her mouth stood in front. Beth thought she might feel a little too claustrophobic to try such a position, but then she was a damn sight bigger than the tiny woman who was sandwiched between these two, so maybe it wouldn’t feel so bad.

The grip the front guy had on her hair looked almost painful, but it was impossible to tell if the girl was wincing or not, the way her dainty mouth was stretched around the dude’s cock. But then he eased his grip, grabbing her head, instead, as he thrust his entire length into her mouth, right to the hilt, and held it there. He threw his head back in pleasure and Beth’s eyes dropped to the girl. She’d stopped bobbing.

At first Beth thought it was because she was getting ready for the third guy to commit to his penetration, but then she noticed the girl’s small hand fluttering agitatedly against the thigh of the guy who was effectively choking her. Her eyes were streaming, her shoulders contracting as if she were gagging, and her face was a purpling shade of crimson.

Beth's eyes widened and the hairs stood up on the back of her neck. This wasn’t right. The guy in front wasn’t looking at her, he couldn’t see her distress and didn’t seem to be taking any notice of the way she was tapping out against his leg.

The guy underneath was equally oblivious. Instead of checking on her because she’d stopped moving, he grasped her thighs in a bruising grip and started thrusting upwards. All three were more invested in their own pleasure than the welfare of their sub.

Beth sucked in an agitated breath. She knew better than to interrupt a scene herself, but surely someone needed to check on this? She whirled around looking for Jed. He was a few steps away, coming towards her.

She grabbed him and pointed in the direction of the scene. “Jed, that girl’s in trouble…” she started, but before she could say any more two guys swooped in and intervened whilst a third encouraged everyone to move along while they dealt, quickly and privately, with whatever had occurred.

Beth was unsettled. “It’s okay,” Jed said, trying to calm her. “I told you the monitors were vigilant, didn’t I?”

Beth nodded, but she would have felt better knowing the girl was okay. Jed refused to let her go back though. “The crowd has been dispersed for a reason, Beth,” he told her in no uncertain terms. “This is a private situation, and it will be dealt with as such, without an audience. The monitors are experienced and know what they’re doing, and I can guarantee they’ll act accordingly. But we don’t actually know if there’s a genuine problem, so it’s not up to us to judge.”

“But she was in distress!” Beth argued, a touch of petulance creeping into her voice.

“Yes, and the monitors dealt with it. They’ll talk to her and find out if she was just overwhelmed or whether there was something more concerning they needed to deal with. My point is, it’s none of our business.” It was all delivered in a no-nonsense tone.

Beth scowled and Jed reached out and smoothed his finger over the crease in her brows like he could rub it out. Then he pulled her close and his voice softened. “Look, I know you’re worried, which is very sweet of you, so I’ll try to find out what happened so I can put your mind at rest. But put yourself in her shoes, Bethy. If that was you, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want a bunch of strangers butting in or gawping at you, no matter how good their intentions were?”

Beth sighed and her shoulders slumped. He was absolutely right of course. Even if she, herself, was involved in a scene that went horribly wrong, she’d be even more mortified to be surrounded by onlookers and strangers asking if she was okay. But the unhappy end to the scene still left a bitter taste in her mouth. Not least because it was one she was so invested in.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic